Fandi Agustiandi Umbaran, Babang Robandi, Sendi Fauzi Giwangsa


In modern era, Developing of technology is fast. information’s spread on this era is fast and easly to be access by anyone from internet. but elementary school student’s knowledge about history is low because history subject known as boring subject. in this era there memes spreading in internet is amusing and educational and most people even elementary school student likes memes. the purpose in this reseach is to develop a memes learning’s media in social study learning for elementary school. the subject that used for media is from themes 7 in grades V elementary school. because in the book there still less subject about Western colonialized in Indonesian subject and students uninterest in history subject. The developing of the media use Design and Development (D&D) Method by Richey and Klein and use Planning, Production and Evaluation (PPE) as developing model. participant in this research is three experts, there is Social Study Expert, Media Expert and Teacher. The result in validation is to known appropriateness the media. Result from Social Study Expert is 94,67% and get very good predicate. from Media Expert is 78,6% and get a good Predicate. and from teacher is 95,5% and get a very good predicate. The accumulation result by all of three experts is get 90,2% and get a very good predicate. so the conclusion is developing of meme’s media is deserve to use in social study learning.


Meme, Social Study Learning, Learning Media

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