Nur Khairunisa, Nana Djumhana, Sendi Fauzi Giwangsa


This research was conducted based on the results of observations and interviews of researchers with one of the elementary school teachers regarding the critical thinking skills of fourth grade students can be said to be still low. This is because in the learning process students are only required to do practice questions sourced from textbooks to find out the concepts of the lesson without going through the process of developing and solving problems based on the concept of the lesson, so that students are less motivated to be able to train and develop critical thinking. Therefore, this study aimsto develop teaching materials oriented to the learning model Social Inquiry to improve students critical thinking. This teaching material was developed using the research method Design and Development (D&D) with the model developed by Richey and Klein namely Planning, Production, and Evaluation. Participants in this study were media experts, material experts, and learning experts to assess the feasibility of teaching materials developed using a questionnaire instrument. The validation results obtained from media experts are 87% with the interpretation of "Good", the validation results obtained from material experts are 93% with the interpretation of "Good", and the validation results obtained from learning experts are 96% with the interpretation of "Good". From the three validation results, an average achievement level of 92% was obtained with the interpretation of "Good" and it was concluded that the teaching materials that had been developed were suitable for use in the learning process.


Development Of Teaching Materials, Social Inquiry Learning Model, Critical Thinking

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