Pengembangan Media Buku Aktivitas untuk MeningkatkanPemahamanHakdan Kewajibandi Rumahdandi Sekolah Siswa KelasIII SD

Juariyah Juariyah, Ruswandi Hermawan, Mubarok Somantri


This research was motivated by a lack of understanding ability in Civicslearning materials on rights and obligations at home and at school. In the learning process the teacher does not present learning media that can support learning in class III elementary school in one of the Elementary Schools in Bandung City. The learning carried out only focused on the lecture method and did not use varied learning resources, the learning process was only focused on giving assignments that were in the study books used without involving student activity directly. This causes students to not understand the material presented. This study aims to describe the development of activity book media to improve understanding of rights and obligations at home and at school for third grade elementary school students. This study applies the Design and Development research method according to Richey & Klein with the PPE (Planning, Production and Evaluation) model. Participants in this study were expert validators consisting of material experts, media experts, and classroom teachers to test the feasibility of activity book media. After the validation process with the experts, the results from material experts with a percentage of 89.3% with the "Very Feasible" category were carried out once the validation process. Media experts obtained a percentage of 83.8% with the "Very Feasible" category, one validation process was carried out. The third grade teacher assessment obtained a percentage of 98.1% with the "Very Feasible" category carried out in one validation process.


rights and obligations at home and at school, activity book, Design and Development, Planning, Production and Evaluation.


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