@article{Siradj1999, author = {Siradj, S. A.}, journal = {Pustaka Ciganjur}, title = {{Islam kebangsaan: fiqih demokratik kaum santri}}, year = {1999} } @article{Gea2003, author = {Gea, Antonius Atosakhi}, pages = {195}, title = {{Character Building 1 Relasi dengan Diri Sendiri (edisi evisi)}}, year = {2003} } @article{Sanusi2012, abstract = {This research has several backgrounds. The first, the self reliance is one of the formulas in the goals of national education. The second, it is the character of nation that must be built. The third, the self reliance crisis appears in formal education. The forth, school education is not as a guarantee in building the self reliance in accordance with the goal of national education. The fifth, Islamic pondok pesantren is considered as the foundation that can create the self reliance for students (called as santri). The formulas of the issues proposed are how the self reliance in students in pondok pesantren is practiced, how the pondok pesantren creates the self reliance habit to the students, what is the supporting factor in creating the self reliance students, what is the inhibitor factor in creating the self reliance students, and how is a developing model of the self reliance in students. The approach used is qualitative approach by means of analytic descriptive method. A research locus is focused on al-Istiqlal, Cianjur and Bahrul Ulum, Tasikmalaya. Data collecting used by using observational technique and deep-interview on research object. The research produces some conclusions. The first, the students researched at the school indicate the good self reliance level. The good indicators are reflected with self-confident, trust, self-control, problem solver, responsible, helping others, hoping success, creative and innovative thinking; the awareness in study; and capability in managing their life. The second, the efforts of the school in creating self reliance students are; (a) the mature and the immature students are in the same place; (b) peer teaching; (c) good facilities; (d) creating organizations; and (e) entrepreneurship with agriculture. The third, supporting factors are; (a) the school uses available means in fulfillment the students' needs; (b) strong wishes for success with the self reliance life; (c) guidance in higher to lower level of students; (d) the instruction motivating students in the self reliance. The forth, the inhibitor factors are; (a) a fraction of students can't stand the Islamic Boarding School's condition (b) they (students) dislike the regulations of the school; (c) the development of science and information technology; and (d) indulgent parenting, in serving the new students. The fifth, independence development model begins from internalizing values created with the dynamic process in the first time of attending in the school, peer teaching, assignment of management activities, and giving life skills in building self reliance character and self-entrepreneurship.}, author = {Sanusi, Uci}, file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/ASUS/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Sanusi - 2012 - Pendidikan kemandirian di Pondok Pesantren.pdf:pdf}, journal = {Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam - Ta'lim}, keywords = {islamic boarding school,model,self-reliance}, number = {2}, pages = {123--139}, title = {{Pendidikan kemandirian di Pondok Pesantren}}, url = {http://jurnal.upi.edu/file/03{\_}Pendidikan{\_}Kemandirian{\_}di{\_}Pondok{\_}Pesantren-Uci{\_}Sanusi.pdf}, volume = {10}, year = {2012} } @book{Simon2008, author = {Simon, Philips}, booktitle = {forum Kajian}, title = {{Refleksi Karakter Bangsa}}, year = {2008} } @article{SofyaniH.UlumI.SyamD.&Wahjuni2012, author = {{Sofyani, H., Ulum, I., Syam, D., {\&} Wahjuni}, S.}, number = {1}, title = {{Islamic social reporting index sebagai model pengukuran kinerja sosial perbankan syariah (studi komparasi Indonesia dan Malaysia).}}, volume = {4}, year = {2012} } @article{Ubaidillah2016, abstract = {This paper aims to describe the role of education which is conducted by Islamic boarding school in shaping the religious and independent characters. The research method used in this paper is library study by conducting content analysis from various books, research journals and conceptual journals about Islamic boarding school. The conclusion of the study is the education model in Islamic boarding school to shape the religious and independent characters is conducted through continuous education during theoretical and literary face-to-face activity as well as daily practice of the students in conducive-applicative environment. Other characters which are also developed in Islamic boarding school are: (1) Religious character in human's relationship with God (hablun min Allah) with faith and devotion as the main values which are established through mandatory and Sunnah religious rituals; its practice goes along with the strengthening of humanity religious value (hablun min naas) which covers the characters of: (a) togetherness, caring, and affection, (b) simplicity, respect, and politeness, (c) responsibility, honesty, and sincerity, and (2) the independent character is shaped through the chance given to the students to self-organized the activities and organization in the Islamic boarding school as well as their daily activities in togetherness, simplicity, and teamwork. The establishment of religious and independent characters are based on these twelve principles: (1) reality-based activity, (2) good example from the teachers, (3) ‘Teacher, not Worker', (4) affection-based learning method, (5) student as subject, (6) learning for work, (7) self-identity discovery, (8) the establishment of independence and togetherness, (9) life skill education, (10) never stop learning and working, (11) creating conducive and caring environment, and (12) soul-nurturing and riyadah.Keywords: character, independent, islamic boarding school}, author = {Ubaidillah, Aan Fardhani}, file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/ASUS/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Ubaidillah - 2016 - Pembentukan Karakter Religius dan Mandiri Melalui Model Pendidikan ala Pondok Pesantren.pdf:pdf}, issn = {2541-3961}, journal = {AL-WIJD{\'{A}}N: Journal of Islamic Education Studies}, keywords = {aan fardani ubaidillah,character,independent,islamic boarding school}, number = {1}, pages = {1--12}, title = {{Pembentukan Karakter Religius dan Mandiri Melalui Model Pendidikan ala Pondok Pesantren}}, url = {http://ejournal.uniramalang.ac.id/index.php/alwijdan}, volume = {I}, year = {2016} } @article{AliM.M2004, author = {{Ali, M. M}, Asrori}, journal = {Bumi Aksara}, title = {{Psikologi Remaja Perkembangan Peserta Didik}}, year = {2004} } @article{BohlinE.Karen.DeborahFarmer2001, author = {{Bohlin, E. Karen., Deborah Farmer}, Kevin Ryan}, title = {{Building Charater in School Resource Guide, San Fransisco, Jossey Bass.}}, year = {2001} } @book{Arifin1996, author = {Arifin, H. M.}, title = {{lmu pendidikan Islam: suatu tinjauan teoritis dan praktis berdasarkan pendekatan interdisipliner}}, year = {1996} } @book{Sugiyono2005, author = {Sugiyono, Prof.}, booktitle = {alfabeta}, title = {{Memahami Penelitian Kualitatif}}, year = {2005} } @article{Zubaidi2011, author = {Zubaidi, D. P. K. K.}, title = {{Aplikasinya dalam Lembaga Pendidikan}}, year = {2011} } @article{Suhardi2012, abstract = {Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui peran Sekolah Menengah Pertama berbasis pondok pesantren dalam upaya menanamkan pendidikan kepada generasi bangsa Indonesia. Karakter bangsa yang mulai luntur di tengah arus globalisasi dan modernisasi seperti sekarang ini harus segera diatasi. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah melalui sistem pendidikan yang mencerdaskan sekaligus mencerahkan seperti yang diterapkan di sekolah berbasis pesantren. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sekolah berbasis pesantren memunyai peran yang signifikan dalam upaya pembentukan karakter bangsa. Pendidikan pondok pesantren dapat membentuk peserta didik yang berjiwa religius, akhlakul hasanah, disiplin, sederhana, menghormati orang yang lebih tua, dan memahami filosofis kehidupan. Abstract: The objective of the research is to understand the roles of pondok pesantren-based First Elementary School in the effort to infuse education among the younger generation of Indonesia. The national character which is fading fast amidst the current globalization and modernization needs an immediate respond. One of the efforts for that is using the educating and enlightening education system used in pondok pesantren-based school. The research uses descriptive method with qualitative approach. The result of the research shows that pesantren-based school has a significant role in shaping the character of the nation. Educational boarding school form students' to be religious minded, akhlakul hasanah, disciplined, humble, respecting elders, and understand the philosophical of life.}, author = {Suhardi, Didik}, file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/ASUS/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Suhardi - 2012 - Peran Smp Berbasis Pesantren Sebagai Upaya Penanaman Pendidikan Karakter Kepada Generasi Bangsa.pdf:pdf}, journal = {Jurnal Pendidikan Karakter}, keywords = {Pondok Pesantren (boarding school),character education,younger generation}, number = {3}, pages = {316--328}, title = {{Peran Smp Berbasis Pesantren Sebagai Upaya Penanaman Pendidikan Karakter Kepada Generasi Bangsa}}, url = {http://download.portalgaruda.org/article.php?article=6615{\&}val=436{\&}title=PERAN SMP BERBASIS PESANTREN SEBAGAI UPAYA PENANAMAN PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER KEPADA GENERASI BANGSA}, year = {2012} } @article{MasrunH.FaryantoF.R.HarjitoP.UtamiM.S.&BawaniN.A.dkk1986, author = {{Masrun, H., Faryanto, F. R., Harjito, P., Utami, M. S., {\&} Bawani, N. A. dkk}}, title = {{Laporan Penelitian Studi Mengenai Kemandirian di Tiga Suku Bangsa (Jawa, Batak, Bugis)}}, year = {1986} } @article{Thomas1991, author = {Thomas, L}, journal = {Bantam Books}, title = {{Educating for character: How our schools can teach respect and responsibility}}, year = {1991} } @article{Soelaeman1988, author = {Soelaeman, M. I.}, journal = {Depdikbud}, title = {{Suatu Telaah tentang Manusia-Religi-Pendidikan}}, year = {1988} } @article{Megawangi2004, author = {Megawangi, R.}, journal = {Indonesia Heritage Foundation}, title = {{Pendidikan Karakter Solusi Yang Tepat Untuk Membangun Bangsa}}, year = {2004} } @article{RyanKevin1999, author = {{Ryan, Kevin}, Bohlin}, title = {{Building Character in Schools: Practical Ways to Bring Moral Instruction to Life}}, year = {1999} } @article{Syafei2017, author = {Syafe'i, Imam}, file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/ASUS/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Syafe'i - 2017 - PONDOK PESANTREN PENDAHULUAN Pondok pesantren yang melembaga di masyarakat , terutama di pedesaan merupakan salah satu.pdf:pdf}, journal = {Al-Tadzkiyyah}, keywords = {character,education,formation,islamic boarding school}, number = {I}, pages = {61--82}, title = {{PONDOK PESANTREN?: PENDAHULUAN Pondok pesantren yang melembaga di masyarakat , terutama di pedesaan merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan Islam tertua di Indonesia . Awal kehadiran Boarding School bersifat tradisional untuk mendalami ilmu-ilmu agama Isl}}, volume = {8}, year = {2017} } @article{Masrun1986, author = {Masrun}, title = {{Faktor-Faktor yang mempengaruhi Kemandirian Pada Remaja}}, year = {1986} } @article{Gaffar2010, author = {Gaffar, M. F.}, title = {{Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Islam (Disampaikan pada Workshop Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Agama)}}, year = {2010} }