@incollection{Olweus1994, abstract = {What is Bullying and What Can You Do About It. Advice for Families.}, author = {Olweus, Dan}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4757-9116-7_5}, pages = {97--130}, title = {{Bullying at School}}, year = {1994} } @misc{SEJIWAFoundation2008, author = {{SEJIWA Foundation} and {Psychology Faculty of Indonesia University}}, booktitle = {PLAN Indonesia}, title = {{Ringkasan hasil penelitian tentang kekerasan di SD, SMP, SMA di Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Surabaya}}, url = {http://www.sejiwa.org}, year = {2008} } @article{Keliat2015, author = {Keliat, Budi Anna and Tololiu, Tinneke Aneke and Daulima, ovy Helena Catharina and Erawati, Erna}, doi = {10.15640/ijn.v2n1a14}, issn = {23737662}, journal = {International Journal of Nursing}, number = {1}, title = {{Effectiveness Assertive Training of Bullying Prevention among Adolescents in West Java Indonesia}}, url = {http://ijnnet.com/vol-2-no-1-june-2015-abstract-14-ijn}, volume = {2}, year = {2015} } @misc{Muthmainah2017, author = {Muthmainah, Dinda Audriene}, booktitle = {CNN Indonesia}, title = {{Semakin Banyak yang Melaporkan Kasus 'Bullying'}}, url = {https://www.cnnindonesia.com/gaya-hidup/20170722163858-277-229641/semakin-banyak-yang-melaporkan-kasus-bullying}, year = {2017} } @article{Badriyah2018, abstract = {Survei yang dilakukan Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia (KPAI) sejak tahun 2011 hingga 2017 mencatat adanya sekitar 253 kasus bullying, terdiri dari 122 anak yang menjadi korban dan 131 anak menjadi pelaku. Tidak hanya itu, data lain dari Kementerian Sosial mencatat pula hingga Juni 2017, telah menerima laporan sebanyak 967 kasus; 117 kasus di antaranya adalah kasus bullying. Suatu hal yang mengejutkan bahwasanya kasus yang tengah menjadi sorotan ini didominasi oleh kalangan remaja. Berdasarkan data UNICEF pada tahun 2016, sebanyak 41 hingga 50 persen remaja di Indonesia dalam rentang usia 13 sampai 15 tahun pernah mengalami tindakan cyber bullying}, author = {Badriyah, Lailatul}, issn = {2685-2934}, journal = {Jurnal Ilmiah Syi'ar}, month = {feb}, number = {1}, pages = {13--22}, title = {{Sikap Mengontrol diri dalam menurunkan Kecenderungan Berperilaku Agresif Pada Remaja}}, volume = {18}, year = {2018} } @article{Nansel, author = {Nansel, TR and Overpeck, M and Pilla, RS and Jama, WJ Ruan - and undefined 2001}, journal = {jamanetwork.com}, title = {{Bullying behaviors among US youth: Prevalence and association with psychosocial adjustment}}, url = {https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/193774} } @article{Rigby1998, abstract = {The relationship between involvement in bully/victim problems at school and the reported health of adolescents was investigated using questionnaires completed anonymously by 819 Australian schoolchildren attending coeducational high school. From self-reports of their relations with peers at school, respondents were categorized as victims, bullies, bully-victims and 'others'. The students also completed a measure of mental health, the General Health Questionnaire, and answered questions to assess their frequency of physical complaints and perceived consequences of adverse treatment by peers at school. In general, peer-victimized girls reported a higher incidence of emotional distress and more perceived adverse health effects. Compared with 'others', victims of both sexes indicated significantly worse mental and physical health. Among boys only, bullies consistently reported poorer health. Explanations for health effects and reported gender differences are discussed in relation to the consequences of stress engendered by peer victimization at school as well as suggested differences in the nature and implications of bullying behaviours employed by boys and girls.}, author = {Rigby, Ken}, doi = {10.1177/135910539800300402}, issn = {13591053}, journal = {Journal of Health Psychology}, keywords = {Adolescence,Bullying,Gender,Health}, number = {4}, pages = {465--476}, title = {{The relationship between reported health and involvement in bully/ victim problems among male and female secondary schoolchildren}}, volume = {3}, year = {1998} } @book{Wiyani2012, address = {Jogjakarta}, author = {Wiyani, Novan Ardy}, publisher = {Ar-Ruzz Media}, title = {{Save our children from school bullying}}, year = {2012} } @article{Rayner1997, author = {Rayner, C}, journal = {Journal of Community {\&} Applied Social Psychology}, title = {{The incidence of workplace bullying}}, year = {1997} } @article{Hinduja2010, abstract = {Empirical studies and some high-profile anecdotal cases have demonstrated a link between suicidal ideation and experiences with bullying victimization or offending. The current study examines the extent to which a nontraditional form of peer aggression-cyberbullying-is also related to suicidal ideation among adolescents. In 2007, a random sample of 1,963 middle-schoolers from one of the largest school districts in the United States completed a survey of Internet use and experiences. Youth who experienced traditional bullying or cyberbullying, as either an offender or a victim, had more suicidal thoughts and were more likely to attempt suicide than those who had not experienced such forms of peer aggression. Also, victimization was more strongly related to suicidal thoughts and behaviors than offending. The findings provide further evidence that adolescent peer aggression must be taken seriously both at school and at home, and suggest that a suicide prevention and intervention component is essential within comprehensive bullying response programs implemented in schools. {\textcopyright} International Academy for Suicide Research.}, author = {Hinduja, Sameer and Patchin, Justin W.}, doi = {10.1080/13811118.2010.494133}, issn = {13811118}, journal = {Archives of Suicide Research}, keywords = {Bullying,Cyberbullying,Internet,Suicidal ideation,Suicide,Youth}, month = {jul}, number = {3}, pages = {206--221}, title = {{Bullying, cyberbullying, and suicide}}, volume = {14}, year = {2010} } @article{Wang2009, abstract = {Purpose: Four forms of school bullying behaviors among US adolescents and their association with sociodemographic characteristics, parental support, and friends were examined. Methods: Data were obtained from the Health Behavior in School-Aged Children (HBSC) 2005 Survey, a nationally representative sample of grades 6-10 (N ¼ 7,182). The revised Olweus Bully/ Victim Questionnaire was used to measure physical, verbal, and relational forms of bullying. Two items were added using the same format to measure cyber bullying. For each form, four categories were created: bully, victim, bully-victim, and not involved. Multinomial logistic regressions were applied, with sociodemographic variables, parental support, and number of friends as predictors. Results: Prevalence rates of having bullied others or having been bullied at school for at least once in the last 2 months were 20.8{\%} physically, 53.6{\%} verbally, 51.4{\%} socially, or 13.6{\%} electronically. Boys were more involved in physical or verbal bullying, whereas girls were more involved in relational bullying. Boys were more likely to be cyber bullies, whereas girls were more likely to be cyber victims. African-American adolescents were involved in more bullying (physical, verbal, or cyber) but less victimization (verbal or relational). Higher parental support was associated with less involvement across all forms and classifications of bullying. Having more friends was associated with more bullying and less victimization for physical, verbal, and relational forms but was not associated with cyber bullying. Conclusions: Parental support may protect adolescents from all four forms of bullying. Friends associate differentially with traditional and cyber bullying. Results indicate that cyber bullying is a distinct nature from that of traditional bullying. {\'{O}} School bullying has been identified as a problematic behavior among adolescents, affecting school achievement, prosocial skills, and psychological well-being for both victims and perpetrators [1-3]. Bullying is usually defined as a specific form of aggression, which is intentional, repeated, and involves a disparity of power between the victim and perpetrators [4]. Previous studies have found that boys have a higher prevalence of bullying perpetration than girls and bullying behavior tends to peak in middle school and then decrease [5]. In one of the few analyses of a nationally representative sample of adolescents in the United States, Nansel et al [6] reported that the prevalence of frequent involvement in school bullying in the past 2 months was 29.9{\%}, which included 13.0{\%} as bullies, 10.6{\%} as victims, and 6.3{\%} as both. In the US sample, compared with Caucasian adolescents, Hispanic adolescents were involved in more frequent bullying perpetration, while African-American adolescents were less likely to be bullied. Adolescent bullying may take many forms, such as physical [4], verbal [4], and relational or social [7]. Physical bullying (e.g., hitting, pushing, and kicking) and verbal bullying (e.g., name-calling and teasing in a hurtful way) are usually considered to be a direct form, while relational bullying refers to an indirect form of bullying, such as social exclusion and spreading rumors. Studies on direct and indirect bullying have consistently shown that boys are more involved in direct bullying, whereas girls are more involved in indirect bullying [8,9].}, author = {Wang, Jing and Iannotti, Ronald J and Nansel, Tonja R}, doi = {10.1016/j.jadohealth.2009.03.021}, journal = {Journal of Adolescent Health}, keywords = {Cyber bullying,Parental support,Peers,Relational bullying,School bullying,Sociodemographic characteristics}, pages = {368--375}, title = {{School Bullying Among Adolescents in the United States: Physical, Verbal, Relational, and Cyber}}, volume = {45}, year = {2009} } @book{Olweus1993, author = {Olweus, Dan}, publisher = {Cambridge}, title = {{Bully at school: What we know and what we can do}}, year = {1993} } @article{Arseneault2010, abstract = {Bullying victimization is a topic of concern for youths, parents, school staff and mental health practitioners. Children and adolescents who are victimized by bullies show signs of distress and adjustment problems. However, it is not clear whether bullying is the source of these difficulties. This paper reviews empirical evidence to determine whether bullying victimization is a significant risk factor for psychopathology and should be the target of intervention and prevention strategies. Research indicates that being the victim of bullying (1) is not a random event and can be predicted by individual characteristics and family factors; (2) can be stable across ages; (3) is associated with severe symptoms of mental health problems, including self-harm, violent behaviour and psychotic symptoms; (4) has long-lasting effects that can persist until late adolescence; and (5) contributes independently to children's mental health problems. This body of evidence suggests that efforts aimed at reducing bullying victimization in childhood and adolescence should be strongly supported. In addition, research on explanatory mechanisms involved in the development of mental health problems in bullied youths is needed.}, author = {Arseneault, L. and Bowes, L. and Shakoor, S.}, doi = {10.1017/S0033291709991383}, issn = {0033-2917}, journal = {Psychological Medicine}, month = {may}, number = {5}, pages = {717--729}, title = {{Bullying victimization in youths and mental health problems: ‘Much ado about nothing'?}}, url = {https://www.cambridge.org/core/product/identifier/S0033291709991383/type/journal{\_}article}, volume = {40}, year = {2010} } @phdthesis{Ariesto2009, author = {Ariesto, A}, school = {Universitas Indonesia}, title = {{Pelaksanaan Program Antibullying Teacher Empowerment Program (TEP) Di Sekolah (Studi deskriptif program Teacher Empowerment Program}}, year = {2009} } @article{Gerbner1980, author = {Gerbner, George and Gross, Larry and Signorielli, Nancy and Morgan, Michael}, doi = {10.1177/000276428002300506}, issn = {0002-7642}, journal = {American Behavioral Scientist}, month = {may}, number = {5}, pages = {705--716}, title = {{Television Violence, Victimization, and Power}}, url = {http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/000276428002300506}, volume = {23}, year = {1980} } @article{LuisBenitez2006, abstract = {This article purports to present this Special Issue about Bullying and, at the same time, to introduce the phenomenon of bullying in order to facilitate readers an updated vision about the problem that will be worked from different perspectives by researchers from national and international scope. With this purpose, we present some controversial aspects in the characterization of bullying related to definition, incidence and prevalence of bullying and the influence of specific variables like age and gender. At the same time, it is done a revision of the more frequent types of bullying behaviours, the characterization of involved agents, as well as the analysis of the most important risk factosr those are underliying problem's genesis. The final goal is to provide information about bullying for facilitating the characterization and comprehension, more specifically, of a real problem that is interesting and important into the educational centres.}, author = {{Lu{\'{i}}s Ben{\'{i}}tez}, Juan and Justicia, Fernando and Ben{\'{i}}tez, J L and Justicia, F}, file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/PPI31/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Lu{\'{i}}s Ben{\'{i}}tez et al. - 2006 - Bullying description and analysis of the phenomenon.pdf:pdf}, issn = {1696-2095}, journal = {Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology. No 9}, keywords = {aggressors,bullying,incidence,risk factors,victims}, number = {9}, pages = {151--170}, title = {{Bullying: description and analysis of the phenomenon}}, volume = {4}, year = {2006} } @article{Kuswandi1996, author = {Kuswandi, W}, title = {{Komunikasi masa: sebuah analisis isi media televisi}}, year = {1996} } @article{Bushman2001, abstract = {Fifty years of news coverage on the link between media violence and aggression have left the U.S. public confused. Typical news articles pit researchers and child advocates against entertainment industry representatives, frequently giving equal weight to the arguments of both sides. A comparison of news reports and scientific knowledge about media effects reveals a disturbing discontinuity: Over the past 50 years, the average news report has changed from claims of a weak link to a moderate link and then back to a weak link between media violence and aggression. However, since 1975, the scientific confidence and statistical magnitude of this link have been clearly positive and have consistently increased over time. Reasons for this discontinuity between news reports and the actual state of scientific knowledge include the vested interests of the news, a misapplied fairness doctrine in news reporting, and the failure of the research community to effectively argue the scientific case.}, author = {Bushman, Brad J. and Anderson, Craig A.}, doi = {10.1037/0003-066X.56.6-7.477}, file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/PPI31/Downloads/download.pdf:pdf}, issn = {0003066X}, journal = {American Psychologist}, number = {6}, pages = {477--489}, title = {{Media violence and the American public: Scientific facts versus media misinformation}}, volume = {56}, year = {2001} } @article{Iswahyuni2015, abstract = {Masa kanak-kanak atau sering disebut usia dini adalah sebuah fase yang harus dilalui oleh manusia. Perkembangan perilaku anak dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor antara lain adalah tayangan sinetron. tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kebiasaan menonton sinetron terhadap gaya berkomunikasi siswa, pergaulan sehari-hari siswa serta cara berpenampilan siswa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif korelasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa/i kelas 4,5,6 SDN pao-pao kec. Somba opu Kab. Gowa. Pengambilan sampel dengan teknik purposive sampling sebanyak 150 siswa/i. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner, sedangkan analisa data dilakukan secara univariat dan bivariat menggunakan uji korelasi spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan yang signifikan antara pengaruh kebiasaan menonton sinetron dengan perkembangan perilaku anak dari segi berkomunikasi, berpenampilan dan bergaul di SDN pao-pao kecamatan somba opu kebupaten gowa dengan hasil yang menunjukkan bahwa korelasi antara kebiasaan menonton sinetron dan perilaku (gaya berkomunikasi, gaya berpenampilan {\&} pergaulan) tergolong cukup dengan tingkat korelasi sedang. Melihat hasil penelitian tersebut maka dampingan orang tua sewaktu anak sedang menonton sinetron sangat diperlukan .Orang tua dapat mengatur jadwal menonton televisi anak- anaknya. Orang tua harus dapat memilih acara yang sesuai dengan usia anak. Orang tua harus mengetahui acara favorit anak. Orangtua sebaiknya tidak meletakkan televisi di kamar anak.}, author = {Iswahyuni, Etty}, file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/PPI31/Downloads/SKRIPSI.pdf:pdf}, keywords = {Perkembangan Perilaku,Sinetron}, pages = {102}, title = {{Pengaruh Kebiasaan Menonton Terhadap Perkembangan Perilaku Anak Usia Sekolah Dasar di SDN Pao-Pao Kecamatan Somba Opu Kabupaten Gowa}}, year = {2015} }