@article{Adiyoso2012, abstract = {After 2004 tsunami efforts have been made to build school disaster resilience yet study of its effectiveness is limited. This study examines the effect of different disaster education programs on school children's knowledge, risk perception, awareness and preparedness behaviour. Data gathered from 169 school children (Group 1=98 and Groups 2=71) in 3 elementary schools in Aceh. Using the MANOVA analysis revealed that there was significant difference of knowledge, risk perception, individual preparedness and school preparedness but not for critical awareness among school children. This study provides evidence that the curriculum-based disaster education program was effective.}, author = {Adiyoso, Wignyo and Kanegae, Hidehiko}, file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/PPI31/Downloads/60537577.pdf:pdf}, journal = {Disaster Mitigation of Cultural Heritage and Historic Cities}, keywords = {Aceh Indonesia,curriculum,preparedness,school,tsunami}, number = {6}, pages = {165--172}, title = {{The effect of different disaster education programs on tsunami preparedness among schoolchildren in Aceh, Indonesia}}, volume = {6}, year = {2012} } @article{Paton2008, abstract = {This paper discusses the testing of a model predicting tsunami preparedness. Using data collected from a community identified as facing a high risk from locally-generated tsunami, the model illustrates how people's beliefs about the efficacy of mitigation interact with social context factors (community participation, collective efficacy, empowerment, trust) to influence levels of tsunami preparedness. The implications of the findings for tsunami hazard education programs are discussed}, author = {Paton, Douglas and Houghton, Bruce and Gregg, Chris and Gill, Duane and Ritchie, Liesel and McIvor, David and Larin, Penny and Meinhold, Steven and Horan, J and Johnston, David}, file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/PPI31/Downloads/Managing{\_}tsunami{\_}risk{\_}in{\_}coastal{\_}communi.pdf:pdf}, journal = {Australian Journal of Emergency Management, The}, number = {1}, pages = {4}, title = {{Managing Tsunami Risk in Coastal Communities: Identifying Predictors of Preparedness}}, volume = {23}, year = {2008} } @article{Said2011, abstract = {Purpose: The main objective of this study is to develop a tsunami emergency response plan for a coastal community by adopting a community-based disaster preparedness approach. Design/methodology/approach: A multi-strategy research design utilizing both quantitative and qualitative methods was used. The weaknesses and strengths of the different agencies involved in responding to the 2004 tsunami disaster were identified through a focus group discussion. A survey was used to assess the preparedness of the community. Tsunami awareness and education were imparted through lectures, sermons, radio talk shows, informal briefings, workshops and printed materials. Tsunami evacuation routes, safe zones, warning protocols and evacuation plans were finalized through a consultation process with the community. A tsunami evacuation plan was verified during a table-top exercise and was tested through a drill. Findings: It is evident from the study that a community-based approach (where the local community is taken as the primary focus of attention in disaster reduction) to tsunami mitigation and preparedness is viable. This process has provided an opportunity for tapping traditional organizational structures and mechanisms (including formal and informal community leaders) and capability-building activities with the community disaster committees and volunteers. Originality/value: Tsunami 2004 is the first ever tsunami disaster experienced in the country and thus the study provides significant lessons learned from the event. The community-based approach to disaster preparedness is not the current practice in the country. Thus, the study demonstrates that the approach is a viable tool to enhance community preparedness to tsunami and other types of disasters as well. {\textcopyright} Emerald Group Publishing Limited.}, author = {Said, Aini Mat and Ahmadun, Fakhru'l Razi and Mahmud, Ahmad Rodzi and Abas, Fuad}, doi = {10.1108/09653561111141718}, file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/PPI31/Downloads/CommunityPreparednessforTsunamiDisasterDisasterPreventionandMngmt203IF0.244.pdf:pdf}, issn = {09653562}, journal = {Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal}, keywords = {Community preparedness,Disasters,Emergency response,Evacuation routes,Malaysia,Tsunami}, number = {3}, pages = {266--280}, title = {{Community preparedness for Tsunami disaster: A case study}}, volume = {20}, year = {2011} } @article{Johnston2002, author = {Johnston, David Moore}, journal = {Institute of Geological {\&} Nuclear Sciences}, title = {{Results of the August-September 2001 Washington State Tsunami Survey}}, year = {2002} } @article{Wahyuni2018, abstract = {This study aims at analyzing the hazard level of earthquake in the main campus Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) as a means to improve the preparedness in anticipating disasters. The method used was literature study of which data were analyzed using Geographic Information System (GIS). The analysis of the earthquake zones, the potential frequency, and earthquake magnitude, and the distance from the main campus of UPI to the earthquake zone shows that the danger level is high. In terms of zone, the main campus of UPI is located is in the red zone based on the earthquake disaster risk index from the Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) and the earthquake zoning map from the Indonesian Ministry of Public Works. The main campus of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia which is located in the northern part of Bandung, belongs to the Severe VIII zone meaning that significantly dangerous earthquake resulting in moderate to severe damage possibly occurs. The risk level calculation of the disaster based on its danger, tendency, and capacity is yet to conduct, so that it becomes the suggestion.}, author = {Wahyuni, Lies and Rohmat, Dede and Setiawan, Iwan}, doi = {10.17509/jpis.v27i2.12426}, issn = {2540-7694}, journal = {JURNAL PENDIDIKAN ILMU SOSIAL}, month = {dec}, number = {2}, pages = {116}, title = {{HAZARD ANALYSIS OF EARTHQUAKE IN THE MAIN CAMPUS OF UNIVERSITAS PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA}}, url = {http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/jpis/article/view/12426}, volume = {27}, year = {2018} } @article{McFarlane2006, author = {McFarlane, Alexander C and Norris, Fran}, journal = {Methods for disaster mental health research}, pages = {3--19}, title = {{Definitions and concepts in disaster research}}, year = {2006} } @article{Godschalk1991, author = {Godschalk, David R}, journal = {Emergency management: Principles and practice for local government}, title = {{Disaster mitigation and hazard management}}, year = {1991} } @book{Mileti1999, author = {Mileti, Dennis}, publisher = {Joseph Henry Press}, title = {{Disasters by design: A reassessment of natural hazards in the United States}}, year = {1999} } @article{Dengler2001, author = {Dengler, Lori}, file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/PPI31/Downloads/Tsunami{\_}mitigation{\_}efforts{\_}on{\_}Californias{\_}north{\_}c.pdf:pdf}, journal = {North}, number = {April}, pages = {187--202}, title = {{Tsunami mitigation efforts on California ' s north coast}}, volume = {1}, year = {2001} } @article{Dengler2005, author = {Dengler, Lori}, file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/PPI31/Downloads/dengler2005.pdf:pdf}, keywords = {abbreviations,administration,agency,awareness,cascadia subduction zone,csz,education,evacuation planning,federal emergency management,fema,mitigation,national,national oceanic and atmospheric,national weather service,near-source tsunami,noaa,nthmp,nws,pawg,public,tsunami hazard mitigation program}, pages = {141--153}, title = {{The Role of Education in the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program}}, volume = {1}, year = {2005} } @book{Sadisun2007, author = {Sadisun, Imam}, editor = {ITB}, publisher = {Pusat Mitigasi Bencana}, title = {{Smart SOP Dalam Mitigasi dan Penanganan Bencana Alam}}, year = {2007} } @article{Coburn1991, author = {Coburn, A W and Spence, R J and Pomonis, A}, journal = {UNDP/UNDRO Training Module}, title = {{Disaster mitigation}}, year = {1991} } @book{Nurkancana1986, address = {Surabaya}, author = {Nurkancana, W and Sumartana, P P N}, publisher = {Usaha Nasional}, title = {{Evaluasi pendidikan}}, year = {1986} } @misc{LIPI-UNESCO/ISDR2006, author = {LIPI-UNESCO/ISDR}, title = {{Pengembangan Framework Untuk Mengukur Kesiapsiagaan Masyarakat Terhadap Bencana Alam}}, year = {2006} } @book{Carter2008, address = {Mandaluyong}, author = {Carter, W Nick}, file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/PPI31/Downloads/ConstitutionofIndia-handbook.pdf:pdf}, isbn = {9789715610063}, title = {{Disaster management: A disaster manager's handbook}}, year = {2008} } @misc{Reed1992, author = {Reed, S B}, publisher = {Disaster Management Training Programme}, title = {{Introduction to hazards}}, year = {1992} } @article{Perry2003, author = {Perry, Ronald W and Lindell, Michael K}, file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/PPI31/Downloads/perry2003.pdf:pdf}, keywords = {attacks on the world,concern worldwide with levels,disaster planning,emergency preparedness,emergency response,has been much emphasis,in the united,in the us,indeed,of community emergency,on,preparedness,since the 11 september,states,terrorism,there has been much,trade center and pentagon,uk and europe there}, number = {4}, pages = {336--350}, title = {{Preparedness for Emergency Response : Guide- lines for the Emergency Planning Process}}, volume = {27}, year = {2003} } @book{Singarimbun1987, address = {Jakarta}, author = {Singarimbun, M and Effendi, S}, publisher = {PT. Pustaka LP3ES Indonesia}, title = {{Metode Penelitian Survey}}, year = {1987} } @book{Nasir2005, address = {Jakarta}, author = {Nasir}, publisher = {PT. Ghalia Indonesia}, title = {{Metode Penelitian}}, year = {2005} } @article{Williams2007, author = {Williams, Carrie}, file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/PPI31/Downloads/2532-Article Text-10126-1-10-20110207.pdf:pdf}, number = {3}, pages = {65--72}, title = {{Research Methods}}, volume = {5}, year = {2007} } @misc{BadanGeologi2006, author = {{Badan Geologi}}, title = {{Gempabumi Dan Tsunami Pangandaran}}, url = {http://psg.bgl.esdm.go.id/informasi/berita/107-gempabumi-dan-tsunami-pangandaran-ciamis}, year = {2006} } @article{Satake2003, author = {Satake, K and Tanioka, Y}, journal = {Pure and Applied Geophysics}, number = {10-11}, pages = {2087--2118}, title = {{The July 1998 Papua New Guinea earthquake: Mechanism and quantification of unusual tsunami generation}}, volume = {160}, year = {2003} } @book{Ambarjaya2006, address = {Jakarta}, author = {Ambarjaya, B S}, publisher = {CV. Karya Mandiri Pratama}, title = {{Tsunami Sang Gelombang Pembunuh}}, year = {2006} }