Yeni Yuniawati


Daya saing destinasi merupakan salah satu indikator kinerja manajerial dan pemasaran suatu destinasi. Untuk melihat sejauh mana suatu destinasi bersaing dengan destinasi lainnya, diperlukan pemahaman mengenai konsep daya saing itu sendiri, faktor yang meliputinya dan indikator-indikator yang digunakan untuk mengukur daya saing tersebut. Destinasi dikatakan berdaya saing jika mampu meningkatkan kehidupan masyarakat lokal dan memperbaiki taraf kesejahteraannya. Artikel ini merupakan studi literatur mengenai konsep daya saing destinasi dan pengukurannya yang bisa diaplikasikan dalam berbagai jenis destinasi pariwisata.


Kata kunci: daya saing destinasi, kesejahteraan, masyarakat lokal.


Balan, D., Balaure, V., & Veghes, C. 2009. Travel and tourism competitiveness of the world’s top tourism destinations: An exploratory Assessment. Annales Universitatis Apulensis series Oeconomica, 11, (2).

Kozak, Metin and Mike Rimmington. 1999. Measuring Tourist Destination Competitiveness: Conceptual Considerations and Empirical Findings. Hospitality Management 18 (1999) 273}283

Dragićevic , Vanja, Dobrica Jovičić, Ivana Blešić, Uglješa Stankov, Desimir Bošković. 2012. Business Tourism Destination Competitiveness: A Case Of Vojvodina Province (Serbia) Economic Research - Ekonomska istraživanja, Vol. 25 (2012) No. 2 (311-332)

Enright, Michael J. and James Newton. 2005. Determinants of Tourism Destination Competitiveness in Asia Pacific: Comprehensiveness and Universality. Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 43, May 2005, 339-350

Experience Theory. International CHRIE Conference-Refereed Track. Paper 23.

Meng, Fang. 2006. An Examination of Destination Competitiveness from the Tourists’ Perspective: The Relationship between Quality of Tourism Experience and Perceived Destination Competitiveness. Dissertation. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Mechinda, Panisa, Sirivan Serirat dan Nongluck Popaijit. 2010. The Relative Impact Of Competitiveness Factors And Destination Equity On Tourist‟s Loyalty In Koh Chang, Thailand. International Business & Economics Research Journal – October 2010 Volume 9, Number 10

Dwyer, Larry and Chulwon Kim. 2003. Destination Competitiveness: Determinants and Indicators. Current Issues in Tourism Vol. 6, No 5, 2003

d'Harteserre A. 2000. Lessons in Managerial Destination Competitiveness in the case of Foxwoods Casino Resort. Tourism Management. Vol 21, Number 1, 23-32

Lee, Cheng-Fei and Brian King . 2006. Assessing Destination Competitiveness. An Application to the Hot Springs Tourism Sector RTHP 3(3):179 -197

Ritchie , J. R. Brent and Geoffrey I. Crouch .2003. The Competitive Destination A Sustainable Tourism Perspective. CABI Publishing: Trowbridge, UK

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Cracolici, M.F., & Nijkamp, P. 2005. Attractiveness and Effectiveness of Competing Tourist Areas: A Study on Italian Provinces. File URL: Dimuat dalam Jurnal Tourism Management 2009 30(3), 336-344.

Fântânariu, Andra Maria.2012. Competitive Image Of Romanian Tourist Destination. Review of General Management Volume 15, Issue 1, Year 2012

Kozak, Metin and Mike Rimmington. 1999. Measuring Tourist Destination Competitiveness: Conceptual Considerations and Empirical Findings. Hospitality Management 18 (1999) 273}283

Mohamed, Badarudin, Shida Irwana Omar, and Masitah Muhibudin. 2009. Measuring the competitiveness of Malaysian Tourism Cities Through the Application of Multi Dimensional Scaling Analysis. Paper Presented at APTA 2009 Incheon Korea 9-12 July

Navickas, Valentinas and Asta Malakauskaite. 2009. The Possibilities for the Identification and Evaluation of Tourism Sector Competitiveness Factors. Engineering Economics. 2009. No 1 (61)

Enright, Michael J. and James Newton. 2005. Determinants of Tourism Destination Competitiveness in Asia Pacific: Comprehensiveness and Universality. Journal of Travel Research, Vol. 43, May 2005, 339-350

Experience Theory. International CHRIE Conference-Refereed Track. Paper 23.

Kovacic A . 2004. Global Competitiveness of Slovenian Economy in the Time of EU Enlargement. Doctoral dissertation, EF Ljubljana

Kim, Jong-Hyeong, J. R. Brent Ritchie and Bryan McCormick. 2012. Development of a Scale to Measure Memorable Tourism Experiences. Journal of Travel Research 51(1) 12–25

Eysteinsson, Fridrik and Thorhallur Gudlaugsson. 2012. The Competitiveness of Iceland as a Destination for Tourists The European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies: Recent Advances in Retailing and Service Science

Kozak, M. Destination Competitiveness Measurement: Analysis of Effective Factors and Indicators. Diunduh 20 November, 2012 dari http://wwwsre. Papers/a289.pdf.

Crouch, Geoffrey I, 2011. Destination Competitiveness: An Analysis of Determinant Attributes . Journal of Travel Research 2011 50: 27



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