Keterlibatan pekerja: studi kasus pada konteks sekolah menengah kejuruan negeri di Indonesia
In every organization, employee engagement is one of the keys that affect the performance of individual workers and the organization as a whole. In the context of schools, teacher involvement is also very necessary because it will affect the improvement of the quality of education of particular schools as well as at national level. This article reports the results of a study that aims to determine differences in the level of teacher involvement based on demographic factors such as gender, education level, age, and years of service. By adopting the explanatory survey research method, data were obtained from 76 permanent teachers of a State Vocational School in Indonesia by administering a set of questionnaires. The questionnaire was developed under three dimensions of worker involvement variables, namely vigor, dedication, and absorption. The results of descriptive and inferential statistical analyses of the collected data indicate that there is no difference in the level of teacher involvement based on gender and teacher education levels, but there are differences in the level of teacher involvement based on the age factor and the teacher's tenure. The variability in the level of work involvement of teachers indicates the need to create a comfortable work environment and the fulfillment of complete facilities to support the teaching and learning process.
Dalam setiap organisasi, keterlibatan pekerja(employee engagement) menjadi salah kunci yang berpengaruh terhadap performa individu pekerja maupun organisasi secara keseluruhan. Di konteks sekolah, keterlibatan guru pun sangat diperlukan karena akan berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kualitas pendidikan di sekolah tertentu maupun secara nasional. Artikel ini melaporkan hasil penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan tingkat keterlibatan guru didasarkan kepada faktor demografis seperti jenis kelamin, jenjang pendidikan, usia, dan masa kerja. Dengan mengadopsi metode penelitian survei eksplanatori, data diperoleh dari 76 guru tetap di sebuah SMK Negeri di Indonesia melalui penyebaran angket yang meliputi tiga dimensi variable keterlibatan pekerjayaitu vigor, dedication, dan absorption. Hasil analisis statistik deskriptif dan inferensial terhadap data yang terkumpul menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaaan tingkat keterlibatan guru berdasarkan faktor jenis kelamin dan jenjang pendidikan guru, namun terdapat perbedaan tingkat keterlibatan guru berdasarkan faktor usia dan masa kerja guru. Variabilitas tingkat keterlibatan kerja yang dimiliki guru mengidikasikan perlunya diciptakan lingkungan kerja yang nyaman serta pemenuhan fasilitas yang lengkap untuk mendukung proses pembelajaran yang diselenggarakan.
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