Determination of Science Students' Awareness on Waste Management
In this research, it was aimed to determine science students’ awareness of waste management. Eleven students studying in the first year of the Science Education Department participated in the research. The screening model was used in the research. The data were collected through scientific newspapers prepared in line with the Scientific Newspaper Preparation Instruction within the Scope of Waste Management. In the five sections of the instruction, students were asked to prepare scientific newspapers that they will support with written explanations and drawings on recovery, reuse, recycling, plastic bag usage, and zero waste within waste management. The data were analyzed by using content analysis. As a result of the research, it was understood that a significant part of the students was aware of the effects of education, research, and project activities on recovery, reuse, recycling, plastic bag usage, and zero waste practices within the scope of waste management, and the place and importance of the individual in waste management. On the other hand, it was understood that most of the students were not aware of the basis of waste management practices as the waste types, the separation of wastes at the source in accordance to their types, and throwing the wastes into the appropriate waste bin for their types.
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