Computer-Assisted Teaching in Science Education: A Bibliometric Overview
This study aims to examine the studies on computer-assisted teaching in science teaching in terms of different variables with bibliometric analysis. Scopus database was used to collect the data. The phrase "science education and computer-assisted teaching" was written in Scopus on 11_07_2023, and 1232 publications were found. Since not all data is related to computer-assisted teaching in science education, the Scopus Social Science section was selected and filtered, and 454 publications were subjected to bibliometric analysis. VOSviewer program was used for bibliometric analysis. As a result of the research, most studies on computer-assisted teaching in science education were done in 2010, most articles were preferred as document type, the most frequently used keyword was computer-assisted instruction, the country with the most publications was the United States, and the most cited publication was Leidner and Jarvenpaa (1993) and the most frequently used term is student.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jsl.v7i1.61474
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