Development of LKPD on Ecology and Biodiversity by Using Trigger Questions to Increase Motivation and Learning Outcomes of Junior High School Students in Grade VII
The study aims to develop teaching materials in the form of LKPD on ecology and biodiversity by using valid and practical trigger questions and to determine their effectiveness in increasing student motivation and learning outcomes. This research is a development research that uses the ADDIE development model which consists of five stages, namely: Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate. The subjects were one of the science teachers and 31 students of class VII B SMPN 7 Malang. The instruments were expert validation sheets, educator response questionnaires, student response questionnaires, learning motivation questionnaires, and pre-test post-test questions. The results of the development research in the form of teaching materials for ecology and biodiversity LKPD using lighter questions that have been validated by validators. The validation results get an assessment in the very valid category with a score of 100% media experts and 85.88% material experts. While the practicality results get a very practical score with a score of 81% educator response and 81.69% student response. The results of the improvement assessment obtained the N-gain value of the motivation questionnaire of 0.18, which is an increase in the low category. As for student learning outcomes, the N-gain value is 0.61, which is an increase in the medium category. Therefore, the developed LKPD can be said to be effective in increasing student motivation and student learning outcomes.
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