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Android-based Animation for Chemical Elements and Experiments as an Interactive Learning Media

Dedi Saputra, Burcu Gürbüz, Haryani Haryani


The use of smartphone technology with various operating system platforms and Android is also widely used in education. Various types of applications were created to support the learning process at school and outside of school. The purpose of this research is to create an alternative learning media in the form of an interactive animation application that utilizes smartphone technology on material or topic discussion of elements and chemical experiments in the eyes of chemistry lessons. This android-based interactive animation application is focused on periodic table material that provides necessary information about elements and chemical experiments that include PH solutions, electrolyte solutions, and synthetic reactions in them. The application is designed using the Construct 2 application software, HTML 5 programming language, the Intel XDK compiler with the waterfall software development method, and BlackBox testing as a software testing method. This study's results are in the form of an Android-based learning application to test chemical elements hoped that this application could be implemented for chemistry subjects. Especially for high school students, as an attractive alternative learning media to make it easier to understand chemistry.


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Copyright (c) 2021 Dedi Saputra, Burcu Gürbüz, Haryani Haryani

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