Pengaruh Program Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan Terhadap Kompetensi Profesional Guru SMA

Neli Ardiani, Djam'an Satori, Cicih Sutarsih


The purpose of this study is to analyze the description of the effect of continuous professional development on the professional competence of high school teachers in Cileunyi District, Bandung Regency. The research method used in this research is descriptive research method with a quantitative approach. The calculation analysis in this study uses the help of Microsoft Excel 2013 and SPSS version 25.00 for Windows.The correlation analysis between continuous professional development and teacher professional competence has a fairly strong relationship with a correlation coefficient of 0.572. The magnitude of the influence of the continuing professional development program on the professional competence of teachers from the results of the determination test is 32.8%. The results of the calculation of significance obtained the value of tcount of 5.72, while ttable with = 0.05 is 1.672 meaning tcount > ttable which is 5.72 > 1.672 there is a significant relationship between the X and Y variables


Continuous Professional Development; Professional Competence

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