Proyeksi Kebutuhan Ruang Kelas SD Kabupaten Subang Berdasarkan Penduduk Usia Sekolah 2021-2025

Tika Wijayanti, Udin Syaefudin Saud, Nani Hartini


This study examines the problem of the classroom needs analysis based on projections of elementary school age-population growth. Research aims to: a) get information on the projection of the total population (SAP, PCN, and total number of students based on NER); b) get information on the projected number of new students absorbed by elementary school; and c) get projected information on the number of classrooms needed. The method used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative approach. In this research, the data sources were the elementary school Facilities and Infrastructure Staff and Head of the Department of Population and Civil Registration. Data collected by the study of documentation, interviews, and observations. The results of the research conducted indicate that: a) the population is increasing every year; b) SAP and PCN have decreased every year; c) NER achievement, generally decreased from 2016-2019 and increased in 2020; d) ASK is experiencing an increasing trend so that the number of new students each year has increased; e) the number of classrooms in 2021 which is calculated based on 1000 residents requires 611 elementary schools, based on national education standards still less 39 units


Classroom; Projection; School Age Population

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