Kepemimpinan Spiritual Kepala Sekolah: Sebuah Analisis Bibliometrik

Dani Syaripudin, Henni Sidabungke


This research on the leadership of school principals using a spiritual leadership approach also examines the development of research using VOSviewer through a bibliometric analysis approach on spiritual leadership. The source of the article was obtained from a database with published or perish application support. The research period used as a document indexed by Google Scholar is in the last 3 years (2020-2022). The results of the research show that this research can be separated into 2 terms: spiritual leadership and school principal. The term "Spiritual Leadership" is associated with 40 links with a total link strength of 383. The term "Principal" has 36 links with a total link strength of 266. The results of the analysis of the development of publications on spiritual leadership in the last 3 years as a whole are quite stable and and the number of publications is the highest. in 2021 with 84 publications. We checked how many published articles on spiritual leadership of principals and their relation to problem areas using VOSviewer. This review can be a starting point for research related to further research regarding the spiritual leadership of school principals. 


Bibliometrics; Principals; Spiritual leadership

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