Geopolymer concrete is concrete composed of cystesis material of non-organic materials that go through a polymerization process so that it is environmentally friendly, so it can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide produced in Portland cement in the normal concrete manufacturing process which can cause a greenhouse effect. Geopolymer concrete requires a lot of silica and alumina. In geopolymer concrete, the most common alkaline activators used in geopolymer concrete are Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) and Sodium Silicate (Na2SiO3). Fly Ash has a lot of silica and alumina and the role of alkali activator to dissolve the elements of silica and alumina. The method carried out is an experiment. This study used a ratio between fly ash and activator of 70%:30%, and used a ratio of activators between Na2SiO3 and NaOH of 5:2, 6:2, 7:2, 8:2, 9:2, with a cylinder test object of 20x10 cm with a test result of 42.71 MPa.
Keywords: Activator, Compressive Strength, Geopolymer Concrete,
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/k.v20i2.52363
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