The Cileungsi – Cibeet road section is one of the provincial road sections that is passed by quite dense vehicles, is passed by sand and stone quarrying, and is close to a cement factory. Based on health data, several districts around this road segment are affected by respiratory diseases. The research objective was to examine the correlation between traffic jams and air pollution levels, to find the causes of air pollution. The results of the study, the Cileungsi - Cibeet road section has an uneven degree of traffic saturation (DS). Degree of Traffic Saturation at the start of the segment (Sta. 0+000) with a value of 1.06, poor service conditions, vehicles running slowly and tend to get stuck and walk on the shoulder of the road. At Sta. 6+700 (Cibarusah junction), poor service conditions, vehicles running with lots of obstacles. Gradually approaching the end of the segment (Cibeet) the level of road service is getting better with a value of 0.68. Air pollution caused by motorized vehicles consists of CO, Pb, and TSP gases. The highest carbon monoxide (CO) gas is at Sta. 0+000 which is 4,938 μg/Nm³ but still below the quality standard. This is the same as White Lead (Pb), which is also the highest at location 1 Sta. 0+000 which is 0.14 μg/Nm³ but still below the air quality standards. In contrast, the highest dust (TSP) is at location 3 (Sta 21+200), namely 342 μg/Nm³ which is above the air quality standards. The correlation between traffic jams and air pollution due to vehicle emissions from CO, Pb, and TSP gases has a different value. The correlation coefficient (r) between traffic density and CO is equal to 0.949, meaning that it has a very strong correlation. While the correlation coefficient (r) between traffic density and CO is equal to 0.874, it means that the correlation is very strong. Unlike the case with TSP gas (dust) has a correlation coefficient (r) - 0.120, giving a negative correlation. The results of this study indicate that on the Cileungsi - Cibeet road section the higher the level of road service, the greater the levels of Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Lead (Pb). As for dust (Total Suspend Particulate/TSP), an increase in the level of road service does not show an increase in dust levels.
Keywords: Correlation, Degree Of Saturation, Traffic Congestion, Vehicle Emissions
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/k.v21i2.61184
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