Permasalahan Sosial dalam Antologi Cerkak “Pulo Asu”
The author can isolate the un-ideal condition of a society in his view through literature. The goal is to open-mind the readers and make them touched by the conflict arise. The story of “Pulo Asu” contains various stories that are very easy to find in the community but are often ignored because they are considered ordinary tales. These stories contain social problems that are examined by descriptive methods with content analysis techniques. As a result, several social problems were raised by the author i.e. the problem of poverty, anti-critic leaders, the practice of KKN (corruption, collusion, nepotism), less critical of new cultures, stigma against late married women, stigma against inmates family, vigilante, belief in mysticism, psychiatric disorder people abuses, and stigma against adopted children.
Pengarang dapat mengisolasi keadaan masyarakat yang tidak ideal menurut pandangannya melalui karya sastra. Tujuannya agar pembaca dapat terbuka matanya dan tergugah hatinya akan masalah tersebut. Cerita pada kumpulan cerita cekak “Pulo Asu” memuat berbagai kisah yang sangat mudah ditemui di masyarakat tetapi sering kali diabaikan karena dianggap umum. Kisah-kisah tersebut mengandung permasalahan sosial yang dikaji dengan metode deskriptif dengan teknik analisis isi. Hasilnya, ditemukan beberapa permasalahn sosial yang diangkat pengarang yaitu, masalah kemiskinan, pemimpin yang anti kritik, praktik KKN (korupsi, kolusi, nepotisme), kurang kritis terhadap budaya baru, stigma terhadap wanita yang terlambat menikah, stigma terhadap keluarga narapidana, perbuatan main hakim sendiri, kepercayaan terhadap mistik, perbuatan sewenang-wenang terhadap orang gila, dan stigma terhadap anak adopsi.
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