Analysis of Satisfaction Level and Importance Level of Kalbis Institute Lecturers on the Kalbisphere Information System with the PIECES Framework

Muhammad Rusli, Harfeb Fryonanda, Hadi Sutopo, Erwin Syah Rani


This study aims to measure the level of satisfaction and level of importance of the lecturers of the Kalbis Institute, towards the Kalbisphere application with the Pieces framework. System analysis will be conducted on several variables or aspects, namely performance, information, economy, application security, efficiency and customer service. The research method uses case study on the research. The Kalbisphere system based on the PIECES framework can already be used to analyze the level of satisfaction and level of importance of lecturers. The results obtained from this study for an average level of satisfaction give a value of 3.91 from a scale of 5, this shows that the Kalbisphere information system provides satisfaction to the user, while for the level of importance gives a value of 4.02 from a scale of 5, which means the application of the Kalbisphere information system is important to facilitate lecturer in the use of Kalbisphere.


PIECES framework, performance, level of importance, level of satisfaction, information system


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