Analysis of Information Technology User Behavior at Higher Education Institution holding BHMN status

Ratih Hurriyati, Lili Adi Wibowo


This research assessment is conducted to predict the acceptance of internet technology at UPI’s academic society, using the Technology Acceptance Model or TAM, adding the social influence variable and self-efficacy, that become the antecedent of behavior other than TAM construct, such as perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. The research is descriptive and quantitative with the research method used descriptive survey and explanatory survey. Research subject consist of lecturer, students and academic staff at FBEP UPI, the sample size is 290 people taken by simple random sampling. The data analysis used is descriptive and quantitative analysis. Descriptive analysis used the frequency distribution and percentage through Likert Scale. The quantitative analysis used to test the hypothesis by means of Structural Equation Modeling. The result shows that respondent assessed internet usage is not difficult and can give benefit to reach their work performance. Respondents also think highly of their self efficacy in using the internet and gave medium response on social influence on their decision to use the internet. Respondents have high acceptance rate for internet usage, showing high interest in using it and high in actual implementation of usage. Attitude of internet usage is influenced mainly on perception of internet benefit and social influence. Interest to use the internet is influenced by self efficacy and social influence. Actual usage of internet is influenced mainly by the social influence. The positive attitude on internet usage has influence on actual internet usage through the interest variable.


Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)


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