Small Enterprise Marketing Strategy Model Based on Web 2.0 As an Effort to Increase Small Industry Competitiveness

Ratih Hurriyati, Lili Adi Wibowo, Bambang Widjajanta


Based on the research conducted by PT SJV (Sarana Jabar Ventura) on small industries atWest Java, it is found to be hard to adapt with the market structure. The small industry generally lack market information due to the limited capacity, so it made them difficult to widen their market. Thus the small industri economic movement is weak and limited. Therefore the marketing information role became the central issue and strategic. The phenemone is small industry concentrate more on product oriented dan less market oriented. This means lak of ability to identify need and want of buyer toward several type of small industry product.

Marketing Information is the basis to develop strategy. Limited information also influence marketing strategy quality, be it product-market strategy, marketing mix strategy (product, price, distribution and promotion strategy), or competitive advantage strategy which inturn effected the industri competitiveness. The obstacle of an industry to reach for competitiveness threatened the business continuity. Implications are it will threatened the small industry ability to create added value and work opportunities in he country, which is the basic of poverty reduction. Because the marketing mix strategy model based on web 2.0 can increase the small industry competitivenss have inspire the researcher to conduct a special research, because the sector have a bright prospect as a solution for poverty reduction.

Web an interactive activity in the internet, that can push new product and movement. The philosophy of Web 2.0 is that visitor can participate actively in the website. Marketing several website based on Web 2.0 generally have the sama purpose which is to build and empower the consumer community and they will have interest to buy the product. The main focus of small enterprise marketing strategy based on web 2.0 is to develop small enterprise product through participative two way communication  between consumer and producer, via Web 2.0  Not only automatization in product marketing occur, but efficiency to increase product image infront of customer will become the product target market, so consumer can conduct decision making on the product offered by the small enterprise and in the end increase the small enterprise competitiveness.

The method used in this research is the experiment method, where the first stage of the marketing strategy model for small enterprise based on web2.0 will become the experiment through need assessment then continue to design the web 2.0 system based on small enterprise marketing strategy model implemented. In the next stage a trial for web system 2.0 is held using the marketing strategy implemented and the type of business identified in the industry, then trial with konvensional marketing system with the marketing strategy model and smaal business in developing the same produt on the same industry

During the implementation trial process the marketing system based on web 2.0 or the conventional marketing system, all marketing activities were recorded with a video camera. Interview is conducted with the small enterprise and consumer after implementation is done, to findout their opinion on system trial. The data form interview and recordings are analyzed based on certain criteria and guidelines made, then the preliminary reporting of trial system implementation is made, the next stage is dissemination and marketing system socialization based on web 2.0 by inviting stakeholder, the City SME and Cooperation Agency, City Marketing Forum, City Value Chain Promotion Commission.


Marketing Strategy,Small Enterprise, Web 2.0 and Small Industry Competitivenss


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