The Synergy of Pedagogical and Technological Aspects in Hybrid-Learning

Ratih Hurriyati


This paper examines the synergy of two reciprocal aspects in hybrid learning, i.e. pedagogical and technological.  The pedagogical aspect has a significant influence on the content development and learning, with the attention to the technique and interaction behavior between the lecturer and the students.  In other hand, the technological aspect affects the dynamic content development and rich multimedia, and provides the features of hybrid-learning system components.  Synergizing both aspects should improve the quality of content development, supported by the hybrid learning process in order to achieve the optimal learning process.  The subjective analysis of the synergizing in hybrid learning shows that the online learning can represent the conventional learning environment.

The potential advantage of this research is to transform the role of the lecturers and students in learning.  The role of the lecturers has been changed from: (1) the knowledge transmitter, source of information, the content master, and the source of all answers, to be the learning facilitator, coach, collaborator, knowledge navigator, and learning partner; (2) the controller and director of all learning aspects to be the person who gives more opportunities and responsibility to the students in every learning process. 

In this way, the role of the students in learning has been changed from: (1) the passive receiver of information to be the active participant in learning process; (2) reciting knowledge into producing knowledge, (3) the solitaire individual activities into the collaborative activities.

The results of the activities are: (1) compilation of a hybrid learning model for the students at Business Management Department, Indonesia University of Education, based on the learning model and students behavior.  The content of hybrid learning course is the synergy between pedagogical and technological aspects that enables the individualization, acceleration, enrichment, extension, effectiveness and productivity of learning, that can in turn improve the quality of learning as an infrastructure of human resources development as a whole.  Through the hybrid learning model, each student will be motivated to actively learn in accordance with their potent and skills.  This kind of hybrid learning requires the creativity and self-autonomy so that it enables all students’ potentials.  (2) Through the pedagogical and technological aspects that are implemented in a hybrid-learning model, the students are able to obtain information about the enrolled course, in an extensive and deep way to enrich their insight.  It could be the beneficial stimulation for the development of student autonomy, especially in the development of competence, creativity, self-control, consistency, and commitment.  (3) The designed hybrid-learning model enables the lecturer and the students to do the two-way communication, using a web portal to do the simulation and real time chatting.


Synergy, Pedagogical and Technological Aspect, Hybrid-Learning.


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