Service Quality in Various Industry Sectors Based on the Application of Balanced Scorecard Principles

Yenik Candra Kiranawati, Linda Nurlaela, Nabillah Adryantomo


This study aims to examine the application of the balanced scorecard (BSC) principles in terms of service quality in the industrial sector. In improving the company's performance, it certainly requires qualified individuals with good performance, one of which is by using the principle of the balanced scorecard. This study used (library search) with the method of collecting library data, reading, and processing research materials as well as the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method by reviewing several journal articles with national or international standards that have been published within 5 years. The results of this study indicate that service quality is very important to improve company (industry) performance, especially by applying the principle of the balanced scorecard (BSC) which provides guidelines for individuals (employees) to stay on the best track at work in improving the quality of their performance in terms of quality. services that will also have an impact on the value of the company. The conclusion obtained is that the principle of the balanced scorecard (BSC) seen from the side of service quality can increase the value of the company. This research has limitations, including the articles that are used as references that do not specifically reveal whether the BSC can be applied to various industries with different levels of progress in different countries and the time for carrying out the review is very limited. 


Balanced Scorecard (BSC), Service quality, Performance improvement

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