Output Analysis of Human Capital Management Implementation Through Rewarding Tutoring Employees in Bandung

Riezfa Aldhia Rachmi


Tutoring is the implementation of non-formal education as a form of student learning assistance from formal education. In its sustainability, of course, tutoring requires maximum policy implementation so that the sustainability of the company can also be maximized, one of which is in the application of HCM. One of the factors that affect the output generated from the implementation of HCM is rewarding. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of rewarding on the output of HCM implementation. The research method uses quantitative research involving 94 respondents who are employees in tutoring in Bandung City. The research data was obtained through distributing questionnaires online using google form. The results showed that partially and simultaneously there was an influence of rewarding on the output of HCM implementation. It can be concluded that giving good rewarding to employees can increase the output of HCM implementation obtained by the company.


Human Capital Management Implementation Rewarding

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/msb.v5i1.59860


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