The Role of Interactive Learning Media in Improving Students' English Language Skills

Afni Zahrotulmuna Sya'ro, Riche Cynthia Johan, Dadi Mulyadi


English cannot be separated from the continuity of life in the world; this happens because English is an international language that the world has recognized. This research aims to photograph and describe the perceptions of Indonesian Education University students regarding the role of interactive learning media in improving English language skills. This is because students will become iron stock in the future to answer all the challenges in this era of globalization by utilizing interactive learning media as a learning aid. This research is included in a quantitative study using a survey method that collects data through questionnaires. The research results show that the language skills mastered by students are dominated by the ability to read; the second language skill mastered by students is the ability to listen, followed by the ability to speak and, finally, the ability to write. Students obtain these skills through the learning process through courses taught and supported by interactive learning media.


Interactive Learning Media, Language Skills, Language Indicators

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