Alun Sukoco, Dadan Djuanda, Maulana Maulana


Indonesian has four language skills that must be have. One of the four skills is speaking. Many activities
can be taught to improve speaking skills, one of them is interviewing activities. Early data indicates that
there are problems in the interview activity. Based on this, these problems can be used as the basis of
classroom action research (CAR), with the aim to correcting problems. To fix this, the Student Teams
Achievement Divisions (STAD) method assisted by an Android-based media in the form of an
application is applied. The STAD is part of Cooperative Learning, which student groups characteristics.
For the media, features are adapted to the STAD syntax, so it can help and attract student attention in
learning. This research was conducted in three cycles. In first cycle, students who pass the test just
7 students equal to 24.1%. In second cycle, students who pass the test is 17 students equal to
58.6%. In third cycle, students who pass the test is 26 students equal to 89.6%. Thus, it can be
concluded that STAD assisted by android-based media applications can improve student
learning outcomes. It was found that there was an increasement in learning outcomes in each cycle
and had reached the teachers target of more than 85%.


Student Teams Achievement Divisions, Android-based media, learning outcomes.


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