The Role of Parents in Guiding Students’ Arrangements (Paragraph) Skills in Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Nisa Nurbaina Ikhwati Rahmat, Dadan Djuanda, Aah Ahmad Syahid


The current Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted all sectors of human life, including education. The government implements a policy that all educational activities are online. Although learning online, students are required to have the ability of writing skills. Thus, the role of parents needs in guiding children's writing skills in online learning. Based on these problems, the researcher wanted to know how the implementation of online learning, how the role of parents in guiding essay writing skills, and the supporting and inhibiting factors of parents in essay writing skills. This study aims to observe how the online learning process is, find out how the role of parents in guiding essay writing skills, and find out the supporting and inhibiting factors of parents in essay writing skills. The research method used is a descriptive survey with a quantitative approach. The subjects of this study were teachers and parents of fifth-grade elementary school students in North Sumedang Regency, Sumedang Regency. The sampling technique used was non-probability sampling with the Accidental Sampling technique.


Covid-19 Pandemic; Online Learning; Writing Skills


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