ASTA OSADHA: Digitalizing Anti Abusing Drug Use in Schools

Warga Sumpena


The development of the drug network that has entered educational institutions, makes worried the future of the next generation. Various models of approaches have been carried out both families, schools, peer groups, communities, and stakeholders. However, these components have not been whole and comprehensive together to overcome the problem of drugs. Therefore, must be done another way so that these components become connected and become unity. The method of retrieving data used is research and development through instrument dissemination techniques. The population of this study includes 10 (ten) junior high schools in Kuningan District, and the sample in developing the model is 2 (two) schools. The results of this study explain that the digital model of anti-drug abuse "Asta Osdaha" can be easily actualized and even become a school culture that is able to build students' knowledge, feelings, and actions to stay away from drugs.


Asta Osadha, digital, drugs, school.

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