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Wibowo, Lili Adi (Indonesia)
Wibowo, Lili Adi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (Indonesia)
Wibowo, Lili Adi, Ananda Sabil Hussein, P. . (2016). the Effect of Trust and Brand Engagement on Mobile Telecommunication Customer Loyalty : the Mediating Effect of Brand Engagement, (September), 20–22. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.10734.82245 Akaah, & Korgaonkar. (Indonesia)
Wibowo, Lili Adi, UPI (Indonesia)
Wibowo, Lili Adi
Widiastuti, Irna
Widjaja, Martina (Indonesia)
Widjajanta, Bambang (Indonesia)
Widjajanta, Bambang
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