Radicalism of university student: an analysis of causal factors and models of radicalization

Sri Wahyuni Tanshzil, Karim Suryadi, Kokom Komalasari, Leni Anggraeni


This study aims to determine the causal factors and models of radicalization among young generation. The research data were processed from various literatures using several specified procedures, including the process of compiling, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from various reputable national and international journals relevant and online news portals related to radicalism among students. The results of the research show that radicalization occurs at two main levels, namely micro and macro. As well as specifically caused by push, pull and personal factors. The tendency of vulnerable individuals (students) to be affiliated with radical groups because the process of radicalization that is formed through phases or stages becomes increasingly radical. The process starts from the phase of sensitivity to deviant ideology, changes in behavior, joining radical groups to ending in acts of violence (terrorism).

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor penyebab dan model radikalisasi di kalangan generasi muda. Data hasil penelitian diolah dari berbagai literatur dengan beberapa prosedur yang ditentukan, meliputi proses kompilasi, analisis, dan simpulan dari berbagai jurnal nasional dan internasional bereputasi yang relevan serta portal berita online terkait radikalisme di kalangan mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa radikalisasi terbentuk dalam dua level utama, yaitu mikro dan makro. Serta secara spesifik disebabkan oleh faktor pendorong, penarik dan pribadi. Kecenderungan individu (mahasiswa) rentan berafiliasi dengan kelompok radikal karena proses radikalisasi yang terbentuk melalui fase atau tahapan-tahapan menjadi semakin radikal. Prosesnya dimulai dari fase kepekaan akan ideologi menyimpang, perubahan perilaku, bergabungnya pada kelompok radikal hingga berujung pada tindakan aksi kekerasan (terorisme).


University students; radicalization; micro factors; macro factors; radicalization models

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/t.v10i1.57271


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