Implementation of the Ummi Method in Learning to Read the Qur'an for Students with Special Needs ADHD

Lu'Lu' Husniah, Cucu Surahman, Elan Sumarna


The purpose of this study was to determine how the planning, implementation, and evaluation of learning to read the Qur'an for students with special needs ADHD in first-level inclusive schools. This study uses a qualitative descriptive design where data is collected through interviews with the principal of the inclusive school, head of curriculum, ummi teachers, students with special needs ADHD and accompanying teachers. Observation and documentation studies are also supporting data in this study. The findings provide results that the planning of learning to read the Qur'an using the ummi method for students with special needs in inclusive schools has been going well. In the implementation process, it was found that there was the use of the drill method with an individual approach that facilitated learning to read the Qur'an for students with special needs ADHD in inclusive classes. In the evaluation results, several obstacles were found that made it impossible to achieve the maximum target for students with special needs ADHD in the form of easily disturbed concentration of students with special needs ADHD, the unavailability of learning using audiovisuals that could strengthen student concentration and the lack of competent ummi teachers.


Al-Quran learning, inclusive schools, students with ADHD

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