Effect of Kid's Athletics Program on Elementary School Student's Goal Setting, Problem Solving, and Social Skills
Study this aim to know how the kid's athletics program influences elementary school students' goal setting, problem-solving and social skills. Method research used in research _ this is a pretest-posttest control group design. The sample used in the study is 16 students’ boys and 14 students women ages 11-12 years. The sampling process uses a purposive sampling technique. The student shared Becomes two groups, namely 15 experimental groups and 15 control groups. The instrument used in research is the Life Skills Scale for Sport Questionnaire. Posttest results on both groups show the development of goal setting, problem-solving, and social skills. After all, the kid's athletics program significantly affects student goal setting, problem-solving, and social skills compared to group control.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/tegar.v6i1.51915
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