Defrianto Pratama, Ratu Fenny Muldiani, Kunlestiowati Hadiningrum


Praktikum Hukum Charles dirancang untuk mendapatkan nilai suhu nol mutlak yang menjadi konstanta fundamental di Termodinamika. Hukum Charles menyatakan bahwa pada tekanan tetap dan ruang tertutup, volume gas ideal berbanding lurus terhadap suhu mutlaknya. Hasil praktikum hukum Charles dengan mengunakan metode kuadrat terkecil, menunjukkan bahwa grafik volume terhadap suhu memiliki nilai koefisien determinasi rata-rata (R2) = 0,9986, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa volume dan suhu memiliki hubungan linier yang tinggi. Nilai suhu nol mutlak terbaik diperoleh sebesar -273,45 0C, sedangkan nilai suhu nol mutlak rata-rata diperoleh sebesar -275,90 0C dengan ketidakpastian relatif kurang dari 2 %.


Kata Kunci : Termodinamika; Hukum Charles; Suhu Nol Mutlak

Thermodynamics is one of the basic concepts that must be mastered by engineering students at Politeknik Negeri Bandung, because it’s used to recognize how industrial engineering tools work. Laboratory activities can help students to understand a difficult thermodynamic concept. The purpose of this study was to design and optimize a Charles’s Law experiment device. Charles's Law experiment was designed to determine absolute zero temperature as a fundamental constant in thermodynamics. The experiment results show average of determination coefficient (R2) = 0,9986 on the V-T graph, it’s shows that the volume and temperature have a high linear relationship. The best absolute zero temperature was obtained at -273,450 C, while the average absolute zero temperature was obtained at -275,900 C with relative error of less than 2%.


          Keywords :  Thermodynamics; Charles’s Law; Absolute Zero Temperature



Copyright (c) 2018 Wahana Fisika

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Wahana Fisika e-ISSN : 2549-1989 (SK no. 0005.25491989/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2017.02 ) published by Physics Program ,  Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Jl. Dr.Setiabudhi 229 Bandung. The journal is indexed by DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journal) SINTA and Google Scholar. Contact: Here

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