Sartana Sartana, Nelia Afriyeni


The purpose of this study to determine the incidence and impact of cyberbullying in early adolescence. The participants were 157 male and 196 female that range 12-15 year. The results of this study indicated that 78 percent of participants saw cyberbullying, 21 percent of them were cyberbullyer, and 49 percent of them were the victim. Cyberbullying was done through written, sound, or image. The mostly media they used were Facebook, SMS, and Instagram. The kind of cyberbullying experienced by victims were mockery, slander, threats, and make them as a talking object. The puspose of cyber-bullyers were as a joking, revenge, and because they can hide their identity anonymous. Cyber-Bullying make the victims felt angry, embarrassed, unable to concentration to learn, and fear. The cyberbullying victims confessed that they felt more serious psychological impact than traditional bullying.


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kejadian dan dampak perundungan maya pada remaja awal. Partisipan penelitian adalah 157 remaja laki-laki dan 196 remaja perempuan, dengan rentang usia 12-15 tahun. Hasil deskriptif penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 78% responden pernah melihat perundungan maya, 21% responden pernah menjadi pelaku, dan 49 % responden pernah menjadi korban. Perundungan banyak dilakukan melalui media tulisan, suara, atau gambar. Adapun media online yang paling banyak digunakan adalah Facebook, SMS, dan Instagram. Bentuk perundungan maya yang dialami korban adalah ejekan, fitnah, ancaman, dan menjadi objek gosip. Pelaku melakaukan perundungan bertujuan untuk bercanda, balas dendam, dan karena dapat menyembunyikan identitas. Perundungan maya menyebabkan korban merasa marah, malu, tidak bisa konsentrasi belajar, dan takut. Korban perundungan maya mengaku bahwa dampak mental yang dialami lebih serius dibanding dengan perundungan di dunia nyata.


Cyberbullying; online identity; identitas online

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