Application of 360-Degree Virtual Tour as a Website-Based Media for Introduction to Pucak Meru Pura

I Gusti Ngurah Agung Bagus Yudistya Mahesatama, Ketut Gus Oka Ciptahadi, I Made Arya Budhi Saputra


Pucak Meru Temple is one of the temples belonging to the Kahyangan Jagat Temple, which is located in Banjar Kasianan, Pangsan Village, Petang District, Badung Regency, Bali. Pucak Meru Temple has a cave called Goa Meru which is a historical witness to the establishment of this temple. Pucak Meru Temple has several uniqueness, namely, in Goa Meru flowing 5 sources of water, inside the cave there are also guards in the form of snakes and there are also many ancient kepeng coins, and during piodalan in this temple it always rains even during the dry season. when pujawali does not rain, it is certain that the drought will be long. Pucak Meru Temple is a temple that recently has the status of Kahyangan Jagat Temple, so the name of this temple as Kahyangan Jagat Temple is still foreign to the public. With the current development of information technology, the author built a Website-Based Virtual Tour 360 Degree application which aims to provide effective information and the impression as if you had been at Pucak Meru Temple. This application was built using the MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) method. Based on the test results using the heuristic evaluation method, the results were quite good and through the system usability scale testing, an average SUS score of 80 was obtained, thus concluding that each function is running well and can be used easily by users.


Pura Pucak Meru, Media Informasi, Virtual Tour, MDLC, Heuristic Evaluation.

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