Tiktok as a Formative Assessment in English Classes

Tintin Sri Suprihatin, Eri Kurniawan


This study investigates the benefits of alternative-formative assessment and explains why it is critical for language learning and teaching from teachers’ perspective. TikTok is a social media platform that teachers can use to conduct alternative-formative assessments, such as giving feedback to teachers and students to improve their performance in their language skills, particularly speaking and listening skills, and how teachers conduct their teaching. This study used a narrative inquiry to expound on the teachers’ experiences with formative assessment as an alternative assessment. The participants were two English teachers who had previously used TikTok for formative assessments. The results reveal that TikTok is a suitable medium for conducting alternative-formative assessments, especially for assessing listening and speaking skills, since it allows teachers to provide comments in the comment section or download the video so that teachers can give feedback on other platforms. Students can also comment on the teaching and learning process so that the teachers can evaluate their teaching. Suggestions for future research connected to alternative assessment include document analysis on how the assessment is conducted, which will contribute to the literature on language assessment.


alternative assessment, EFL, feedback, formative assessment, social media, TikTok

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jpp.v23i3.61198


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