The Impact of Locus of Control And Technological Self-Efficacy in Learning Outcomes of Public High School Students in Bandung City

Fariq Irham Hudiya, Disman Disman, Leni Permana, Amir Machmud


This research explores the impact of locus of control and technological self-efficacy on the academic performance of high school students in Bandung City, with a participant pool of 312 respondents. The data, collected through a questionnaire, underwent descriptive and correlational analysis. The results indicate that students' locus of control and technological self-efficacy levels are moderate. Moreover, the research reveals a positive and statistically significant relationship between locus of control, technological self-efficacy, and academic performance. These findings contribute to comprehending psychological and technological factors influencing high school student’s academic achievement, offering insights for developing more effective learning strategies.


Learning Outcomes, Locus of Control, Technological Self-efficacy

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