Development Teacher Academic Supervision Website in Al-Azhar Syifabudi Kota Bogor Through the SIPEKA ASB Website

Resti Faujiyah, Heru Santosa, Matin Matin


This research discusses the development of website-based supervision carried out at Al Azhar Syifabudi Elementary School, Bogor, BNR, West Java, Indonesia. This research aims to develop an information system in the form of a supervision website that can be used by school principals in carrying out supervision activities. The research method used is the Borg & Gall development model. This research was carried out in 3 stages, namely needs analysis, planning an academic supervision website, and developing a SIPEKA ASB academy supervision website model. At the data collection stage, researchers conducted literature studies and interviews. They were Followed by planning the supervision website by designing the required features according to the results of the problem analysis. Next, the stage of developing the SIPEKA ASB website model is carried out by the design that has been created. This research aims to make it easier for the principal of Al Azhar Syifabudi Elementary School, Bogor City, BNR, to implement website-based academic supervision.


Academic Supervision, Website Supervision, development of website-supervision.

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