Covid-19 Related Disclosures And Firm Value: Evidence From Indonesia

Laura Sabatini Sitanggang, Arie Pratama


This study aims to determine the effect of covid-19 related disclosure in financial statements on the firm value. Covid-19 related disclosure is measured by three different indicators. The population in this study is financial statements listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2020. The total sample processed in this research is 305 companies. The data was analysed using several types of analysis: Chi-Square test, Kruskall-Wallis test, and multiple regressions.  The results showed that (1) There is no difference in covid-19 related disclosures among business sectors in terms of words count, and disclose/not disclose; However, there is a difference in disclosures among business sectors in terms of positive/negative results; (2) Covid-19 related disclosures positively influence firm value, using all three different indicators; (3) company size and profitability don’t influence the firm value, but the leverage positively influence the firm value. Based on the results of this study, it can be implied that (1) the covid-19 related disclosures varied depends on how the Covid-19 pandemic affects the business results; (2) Covid-19 disclosure in financial statements increases investor understanding in the assessing the impact of high uncertainty during the pandemic, and (3) the uncertainty create an anomaly of results in the financial performance variables toward firm value.


Covid-19; disclosures; firm value; words; positive/negative results

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