Tingkat Solvabilitas Perbankan Indonesia Dalam Konteks Pemenuhan Ketahanan Likuiditas

Djaja Perdana, Hermala Kusumadewi


Abstract: Bank liquidity has become a serious concern of the government with the issuance of a regulation requiring banks in Indonesia to meet the liquidity coverage ratio (LCR). However, efforts to build liquidity resilience have resulted in banks having to make adjustments to their capital structure so that they are suspected of having an influence on their solvency. This study investigates the effect of the level of liquidity on the level of solvency of Indonesian banks, which is proxied by the level of capital ratios and debt ratios during the 2013-2019 period using banking data listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The results of this study prove that the liquidity variable proxied by the loan-to-asset ratio (LAR) has a negative effect on the capital adequacy ratio (CAR) but has a positive effect on the debt-to-asset ratio (DAR). Meanwhile, the liquidity estimated by the current ratio (CR) does not affect the capital adequacy ratio (CAR) but has a negative effect on the debt-to-asset ratio (DAR).
Abstrak: Aspek likuiditas bank telah menjadi perhatian serius pemerintah dengan dikeluarkannya peraturan yang mewajibkan bank di Indonesia untuk memenuhi liquidity coverage ratio (LCR). Namun upaya membentuk ketahanan likuiditas tersebut mengakibatkan bank harus melakukan penyesuaian struktur permodalannya sehingga diduga memiliki pengaruh terhadap solvabilitasnya. Penelitian ini melakukan investigasi pengaruh tingkat likuiditas terhadap tingkat solvabilitas perbankan Indonesia yang diproksikan dengan tingkat capital ratio dan debt ratio selama periode 2013-2019 dengan menggunakan data perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa variabel likuiditas yang diproksikan dengan loan-to-asset ratio (LAR) berpengaruh negatif terhadap capital adequacy ratio (CAR) tetapi berpengaruh positif terhadap debt-to-asset ratio (DAR). Sedangkan likuiditas yang diestimasi dengan current ratio (CR) tidak berpengaruh terhadap capital adequacy ratio (CAR) tetapi berpengaruh negatif terhadap debt-to-asset ratio (DAR)


capital ratio, debt ratio, liquidity, profitability, solvency

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jrak.v9i1.27946


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