Pengaruh Keseimbangan, Kekuatan Otot Tungkai, dan Koordinasi terhadap Ketepatan Shooting Futsal

Tita Rosita, Hernawan Hernawan, Fahmy Fachrezzy



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh keseimbangan, kekuatan otot tungkai, dan koordinasi terhadap ketepatan shooting. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah  survei dengan teknik analisis jalur. Pengujian analisis dilakukan dengan perhitungan persyaratan data yaitu uji normalitas, uji signifikansi dan linieritas regresi. (1) Keseimbangan berpengaruh terhadap ketepatan shooting  dengan persamaan garis regresi linier Y = 8,904 + 0,474 X1, koefisien korelasi (rX1Y) = 0,349 dan koefisien determinasi (r2X1Y) =0,122 dan ρYX1 = 0,349, yang berarti variabel keseimbangan memberikan pengaruh langsung terhadap ketepatan shooting sebesar 12,22%. (2) Kekuatan otot tungkai berpengaruh terhadap ketepatan shooting  dengan persamaan garis regresi linier Y = 4,312 + 0,073 X2, koefisien korelasi (rX2Y) = 0,453 dan koefisien determinasi (r2X2Y) = 0,205 dan ρYX2 = 0,453, yang berarti variabel kekuatan otot tungkai memberikan pengaruh  langsung terhadap ketepatan shooting sebesar 20,5%. (3) Koordinasi berpengaruh terhadap ketepatan shooting dengan persamaan garis regresi linier Y = 10,073 + 0,412 X3, koefisien korelasi (rX3Y) = 0,294 dan koefisien determinasi (r2X3Y) = 0,086 dan ρYX3 = 0,294,  yang berarti variabel kekuatan otot tungkai memberikan pengaruh langsung terhadap ketepatan shooting. (4) Tidak ada pengaruh keseimbangan melalui koordinasi terhadap ketepatan shooting dengan nilai beta yaitu  0,251 (0,251 < 0,349). (5) Tidak ada pengaruh kekuatan otot tungkai melalui koordinasi terhadap ketepatan shooting dengan nilai beta yaitu 0,084 (0,084 < 0,453).



This study aims to determine the effect of balance, leg muscle strength, and coordination on the accuracy of shooting. The research method used in this study is a survey with path analysis techniques. Analysis testing is performed by calculating the data requirements namely normality test, significance test and linearity regression. (1) Balance affects the accuracy of shooting with the linear regression equation Y = 8.904 + 0.474 X1, the correlation coefficient (rX1Y) = 0.349 and the coefficient of determination (r2X1Y) = 0.122 and ρYX1 = 0.349, which means the balance variable gives a direct influence on the accuracy of shooting at 12.22%. (2) Leg muscle strength influences shooting accuracy with linear regression equation Y = 4.312 + 0.073 X2, the correlation coefficient (rX2Y) = 0.453 and the coefficient of determination (r2X2Y) = 0.205 and ρYX2 = 0.453, which means that the leg muscle strength variable gives an influence. directly to the shooting accuracy of 20.5%. (3) Coordination affects the accuracy of shooting with linear regression equation Y = 10.073 + 0.412 X3, the correlation coefficient (rX3Y) = 0.294 and the coefficient of determination (r2X3Y) = 0.086 and ρYX3 = 0.294, which means the leg muscle strength variable gives a direct influence on shooting accuracy. (4) There is no effect of balance through coordination on the accuracy of shooting with a beta value of 0.251 (0.251 <0.349). (5) There is no effect of leg muscle strength through coordination on shooting accuracy with a beta value of 0.084 (0.084 <0.453).

Kata Kunci

Keseimbangan, Kekuatan Otot Tungkai, Koordinasi, Ketepatan Shooting.

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