Pengaruh Pembelajaran Renang Selama Delapan Minggu Terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Dasar Renang Gaya Bebas untuk Pemula Mahasiswa Ilmu Keolahragaan

Badruzaman Badruzaman, Yudha M Saputra


Tujuan study menginvestigasi pengaruh program pembelajaran renang selama 8 minggu terhadap peningkatan kemampuan dasar renang gaya bebas mahasiswa ilmu keolahragaan tingkat pemula. Pengukuran kemampuan dasar renang mencakup; kemampuan menyelam, mengapung, meluncur, gerakan kaki, gerakan lengan, koordinasi gerakan kaki dan lengan, mengambil nafas, dan kemampuan renang gaya bebas lengkap. Subjek penelitian 30 orang (18 pria dan 12 wanita), rentang usia 19 – 21 tahun. Seluruh kemampuan dasar renang hasil pra-postes menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan p =0.00<0.01. Artinya program pembelajaran renang gaya bebas selama 8 minggu, memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap peningkatan kemampuan dasar renang gaya bebas mahasiswa untuk pemula.


The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of an 8-week swimming learning program on the improvement of the basic freestyle swimming abilities of entry-level sports science students. Measurement of basic swimming skills includes; ability to dive, float, glide, leg movements, arm movements, coordinate leg and arm movements, take breaths, and complete freestyle swimming. The research subjects were 30 people (18 men and 12 women), age range 19-21 years. All abilities Baseline swimming pre-post test results showed a significant difference p = 0.00 <0.01 This means that the learning program of freestyle swimming for 8 weeks, has a significant effect on the improvement of students' basic freestyle swimming skills for beginners.

Kata Kunci

Pembelajaran renang, kemamuan dasar renang, gaya bebas, pemula.

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