Indriyani Handyastuti, Dwiesty Dyah Utami, Vanda Nirma Audita


The development of the organization of the event now starts to vary and provides a valuable and impressive experience for many people. So, from that along with its development, the event appeared increasingly unique both in terms of concept to the venue used. One of the events that have its uniqueness is the festival. In this case, the Prambanan Jazz Festival is one of the types of events that are used as the focus of research. Organizing an event can have an impact on the surrounding community, both in terms of social, environmental, and economical. Communities in the surrounding environment will have different perceptions about the impact of the event. An event can be considered as successful if the community perceives the positive benefit from the event and give considerable support. The research method used in this study is quantitative with descriptive analysis. The purpose of this study was to find out how local people perceive the impact of the implementation of Prambanan Jazz Festival on social, environmental, and economic impacts. The result of this study indicates that the Prambanan Jazz Festival had a little social impact on local communities. The Prambanan Jazz Festival does not provide significant environmental impact from some of the main aspects of this study. In addition, the implementation of the Prambanan Jazz Festival has not affected the economy around the event area due to the absence of programs made by the event organizers to support the economy of the surrounding community.

Keywords: Local Communities Perception, Prambanan Jazz Festival, The Impact of Event


The impact of event, Prambanan Jazz Festival, Local communities perception.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jithor.v3i2.28568


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