Zulkifli Harahap, Titing Kartika


The development of the concept of Sports Tourism in Palembang in South Sumatra has been a government program; in this case, the Ministry of Tourism, Republic of Indonesia. The concept was developed for seeing the potential that exists among Jakabaring Sport City which is an integrated Smart Sports Eco Green Complex ". Not only the development of the concept, but the presence of community empowerment in the development of this concept includes three aspects, namely enabling, empowering and protecting. Meanwhile, Sports Tourism drives the economy inclusive because it is associated with some of the benefits that can be perceived by the public either directly or indirectly. Such benefits include transform and boost economic growth, income generation, and poverty reduction, as well as expanding access and opportunity. The study used a qualitative descriptive approach that is to carry out observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the development of Sport Tourism has a positive impact on the empowerment of local communities.

Keywords: Community Empowerment, Sport Tourism, Inclusive Economy, South Sumatera


Community Empowerment, Sport Tourism, Inclusive Economy, South Sumatera

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