Journal History

There are several reasons why the Indonesian Journal of Legal Society in Education was formed. First, the field of law and education in Indonesia is constantly evolving, and there is a need for a platform to share the latest research and developments in this area. Second, the legal issues related to education in Indonesia are complex and multifaceted, and there is a need for a scholarly journal that can provide in-depth analysis and discussion of these issues. Third, the Indonesian government has made education a national priority, and there is a need for a scholarly journal that can contribute to the development of education policy and practice in Indonesia. Finally, the formation of this journal reflects the commitment of the Directorate of International Affairs and Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia to promote international collaboration and knowledge exchange in the field of law and education.

Indonesian Journal of Legal Society in Education is a scholarly journal that focuses on legal issues related to education in Indonesia. The journal publishes the latest and innovative articles in the fields of law and education, and contributes to the development of knowledge and science in Indonesia. The journal upholds quality articles and a rigorous peer-review process, and is expected to be an important reference for academics and practitioners in the fields of law and education. The journal invites authors to submit articles related to legal issues in the context of education, including issues such as education policy, human rights, and social issues in education. The Indonesian Journal of Legal Society in Education accepts articles in various languages, including Indonesian, English, and other relevant languages.