Gina Yustian


This study originated from the lack of sufficient motivation of students in following self-learning, there are factors that influence it, such as the difficulty in doing personal assignment as the factor that grows within themselves (intrinsic), the lack of learning materials and teachers who have an important role as the extrinsic factor of the students. Tutor becomes one of the educational component that plays an important role as well as the major influence to the increasing of the study of the students. Therefore, this study describes the tutor's role in increasing the motivation of students in self-learning activity. The research method used in this study is qualitative descriptive. The research object in this study consists of one informant from the manager of PKBM Geger Sunten, two equality tutors of package C, and two equality students of package C. The result is that self-learning activity is performed after face to face learning activity and tutorials designed in the form of assignment through the module. Students are given the freedom to choose the media of learning. So far, the self-learning management that includes planning, implementation, and evaluation has been good in managing the self-learning activity, but the learning management needs to be optimized. Students' motivation in following self-learning activity consists of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation, the overall learning motivation of students has poor motivation in doing self-learning, thus, there needs to be an increasing of learning motivation from within and outside themselves. The role of tutor as the informant, organiser, supervisor, initiator, motivator, mediator, facilitator, and evaluator outlined that tutor is able to provide and increase the learning motivation of students


Self-learning, Study Motivation, Tutor's Role

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