Alga Farisi Alghifari, Ayi Suherman, Entan Saptani


Basedi oni thei resultsi ofi fieldi observationsi of teachers less maximize the learning media, especially learning badminton on extracurricular members in SDN Kawungluwuk II.adapun pretest service backhand results in badminton game average value of 31.83 is still less than the maximum, then do backhand service servicing, to see how much influence learning the backhand service to improve the service in badminton, and after the posttest treatment treatment was given an average of 77.4 there was a significant change. Thisi researchi usesi researchi methodi ofi pre experiment one sample group. The subjecti ofi thisi researchi isi thei extracurricular member in SDN Kawungluwuk II Cisitu Subdistrict Sumedang District which consists of 30 students. Instruments used normality tests to see whether or not normal data, and t-test to compare pretest and posttest results. Based on statistical test results obtained pretest and posttest values greater than α = 0.05, normal distribution. Then the results of the T-Test One somple t-test obtained P-value (Sig.2-tailed) of 0.000. The hypothesis to be tested one way, then P-value is divided into two then the result is P-value (Sig.1-tailed) of 0.000. It shows that P-value <α, so H0 is rejected or H1 accepted. So it can be interpreted that the backhand service affect the accuracy in badminton service.


Keywords:  Effect of Learning, Backhand Service, Accuracy, Badminton Service.

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