The research problem is motivated by the facts in the field, most of the students who follow the extracurricular football in SDN Sukanagara, the results of learning shooting football. So to improve the results of this shooting study researchers try to apply cooperativeelearning model type student team-achievement division (STAD). The purpose of this study to determine whether there is the effect model of cooperative learning type student team achievement-division (STAD) to the results of learning shooting on students. The method used in this research is Pre-Experimental design. The design used is One Group pretest-posttest population design and research samples are students who follow extracurricular football in SDN Sukanagara. Hypothesis test using paired sample t-test. Testing criteria to show 0.000 lesssthan 0.05 means H0 issrejected. That canabe concluded that cooperative learning model type student team-achievement division (STAD) affect the results of learning shooting football.
Keywords: cooperative learning model, football.
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