Eka Nugraha, Dewi Susilawati, Respaty Mulyanto
In an effort to improve footwork skills in badminton sport, students must master the basic footwork motion on the sport of badminton. Based on the results of preliminary observations made on Student Activity Unit (UKM) UPI Campus Sumedang, the problem arises that athletes are less enthusiastic and less understanding on footwork exercises using agility training methods. Therefore, it is necessary to overcome to make athletes skilled in doing footwork movement using the method of agility training on badminton games. Specifically this research is aimed at improving planning, athletic activity and the result of practicing in improving footwork using agility training methods on badminton games.Method using experimental research using one group pre-test & post-test (pre-experiment) design. The instrument used is shadow agility test. The overall result of practicing footwork using the agility training method is very influential. Based on the result data of the test of the average increase of the pretest score with the t-test (Independent Sample t-test), it shows the statistic value, namely: t = pretest = 36.769, Df (degree of freedom) = 21 (degrees of freedom) from Mean Difference posttest 0.128 this shows the agility training on football ability badminton game give change that is faster 0,128 than before given treatment. The pre-treated or pretest value is 0.171. Specifically the results of the treatment can be determined by calculating the average difference. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that there is a significant influence of agility exercise on footwork skills in badminton games at UPI Campus Unit Student Activity Sumedang in 2018.Keywords: Exercise Of Exposure, Footwork Ability Badminton
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