Penerapan pendekatan saintifik dalam kurikulum 2013 bertujuan untuk membentuk sikap ilmiah peserta didik. Selama ini, guru mengalami kesulitan untuk mengukur sikap ilmiah tiap individu peserta didik. Tujuan paper ini adalah ingin mengungkapkan penggunaan teknik penilaian Authentic Assesment Based on Teaching and Learning Trajectory (AABTLT) with Student Activity Sheet (SAS) dalam mengukur sikap ilmiah peserta didik. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan langkah-langkah: 1. Penyusunan RPP menggunakan pendekatan saintifik, 2) Penyusunan bahan pembelajaran, instrument dan rubrik penilaian, 3) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan menerapkan pendekatan saintifik dan penilaian AABTLT with SAS, 4) Pengolahan dan analisis data. 5) Pelaporan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; Penggunaan teknik AABTLT with SAS sangat efektif dalam mengukur perilaku saintifik dan proses pembelajaran terekam secara lengkap. Penilaian ini menyimpulkan bahwa dengan teknik AABTLT with SAS dapat mengukur efektivitas proses pembelajaran fisika menggunakan pendekatan saintifik.
Kata Kunci: AABTLT with SAS; Efektivitas Proses Pembelajaran; Pendekatan Saintifik
The application of the scientific approach from the curriculum 2013 aims to shape the scientific attitude to learners. During this time, teachers have difficulty to measure the scientific attitude to each individual learner. The purpose of this paper is to express the use of the Authentic Assessment Based Teacher and Learning Trajectory (AABTLT) assessment technique with Student Activity Sheet (SAS) in measuring students' scientific attitudes. This research method uses descriptive method of steps: 1. Preparation of RPP using scientific approach, 2) Preparation of learning materials, instrument and rubric assessment, 3) Implementation of learning by applying scientific approach and assessment AABTLT with SAS, 4) Processing and data analysis. 5) Reporting. The results showed that; The use of AABTLT with SAS techniques is very effective in measuring scientific behavior and the learning process is recorded completely. This assessment concludes that with AABTLT technique with SAS can measure the effectiveness of physics learning process using scientific approach.
Keywords: AABTLT with SAS; Effectiveness of learning process; scientific approach
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/wapfi.v3i2.13723
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